Chapter 1: Sometimes Disasters Happen.

Start from the beginning

"What's our status?"

That was Jay's voice... But something was off about it... (Y/N) screwed her face up, discovering that her thoughts were sluggish.

"There weren't any transfer problems. We're here." Another equally  familiar voice murmured.

(Y/N) finally caught sight at what Mrs and Mr Walker were gawking at. (Y/N) frowned, doing a mental double take: There were now ten ninjas and two Nya's.

"You're seeing this too, right?" (Y/N) whispered to Edna who nodded speechlessly. "Good. I was worried it was just me." (Y/N) whispered again now staring at the sight before her.

(Y/N) tilted her head to the side. These... Alternate Ninja for the lack of a better term... Looked different. They looked a little older than the ones she knew.

But not by much maybe two or three years at the most and they were dressed rather differently as well.

Alternate Jay had promenade freckles and wore a dirty, blue mechanics jumpsuit with a pair of damaged goggles on his head. He was looking around rather excitedly.

Alternate Kai looked even angrier then original Kai if that was possible. He had a piercing in his left eyebrow.

Alternate Cole looked ruffly the same only he had torn sleeves and was sporting a pair of brass knuckles.

Alternate Nya had her hair up in a bun with pencils sticking out of it. This Nya was also wearing a pair of glasses and a lab coat. She seemed just as excited at Jay.

Alternate Zane was missing half his face revealing his blue robotic eye for all the world to see he was also wearing a lab coat.

Alternate Lloyd looked rather sad and nervous with his green hoodie pulled over his face blocking (Y/N) from getting a good look.

The original ninja were all still on the ground staring up at their counterparts.

(Y/N) was still to disorientated and confused that she'd failed to realise that she'd lost sight of one of the Alternate Ninjas.

Someone was tapping (Y/N) in the shoulder at first she thought it was Mr Walker who was on her right.

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