Chapter 33

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"Maybe he drugged her?" Casey suggested as Raph entered the room grabbing a seat at the table.

It was still cloudy, cold and threatening a little rain once in a while, but for now everything seemed to settle down.

"I would've found traces of a drug in her system. If it is, I haven't been able to run a specific diagnostic to know which one it would be." Donnie sighed in frustration.

"Why not do it?" Mikey asked.

"I'm limited on the equipment I have out here, and going back to the lair is risky." Donnie replied, a hint of frustration could be heard from his voice.

I listened silently from the top of the stairs, coming up with small theories of my own. My arm was still in the sling and I winced a little sitting down quietly, leaning my head against the beam. One of the wounds has almost healed into a scar, while the one on my shoulder still posed a problem. It was driving Donnie and I both insane it hasn't healed even the slightest yet. Most of my ribs were still cracked however, and healing just as slow.

"How's her memory doing?" Donnie asked.

"She's remembering more bits, but not—" Raph got cut off.

Footsteps walked past me down the stairs and I jumped, seeing Leo head down ignoring the fact that he almost trampled over me.

"Hey." I spoke up, but after all the times I've tried talking to him to now, he's still avoiding me.

I frown and get up, heading down myself for something to eat this morning. I hobble carefully down each step, making sure to hold on to the banister for support. Raph continued talking, but I didn't listen. Food was on my mind at the moment. I carefully maneuvered silently and around everyone to the kitchen where they didn't see me, rummaging through a cabinet or two.

"When should we start planning a supply run?It's been almost a week, I'm sure they still won't be out looking for us." April asked.

"Possibly, and the weather seems to be a bit better so making the trip wouldn't be impossible." Donnie pondered the idea.

I opened what seemed like a pantry door and found a few snacks. Footsteps sounded next to me and I hid on the other side of the door. The door shut and Casey glanced at me, raising his brow. I put my index finger to my mouth to not tell them I'm here and he nodded, giving me a thumbs up. I sighed in relief and he got my attention while the others were oblivious to my snack snatching heist. I pointed to my mouth and he tossed me a soda. I caught it and held it against my arm in the sling wincing slightly when it hit my chest a bit. I hid the other snacks inside the sling.

"Everything okay, Casey?" April asked.

"Yeah, just grabbing a snack real quick, Babe!" He called to April.

"Thanks." I mouthed, and he nodded back.

I headed back upstairs not paying much attention to anything they were saying, since I gave up on my own theories a while ago. I closed the door behind me silently and sighed.

"That was a bit close." I mumbled, walking to the bed setting the soda on the nightstand.

I went to the closet to look for a big warm jacket and clothes to change into to sneak outside for a while since I was getting anxious being inside for this long. Grabbing a sweatshirt from the drawer, I was about to put it on when I glanced at my sling. My hand reached for the strap and I worked it over my head and off my shoulder, wincing when it came off and fell on the floor.

I used my free arm to pull the hoodie over my head and after ten minutes of struggling I decided to just go with a zip up jacket. I grabbed the sling and put it back on, throwing the jacket on over me. I slipped on some sneakers and kept the same pair of sweats I had on.

Green Stardust ~ (Sequel to Angel's Love of Two Wings)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें