Chapter 3

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A cold breeze blew past my face with car horns and sirens sounding all around me in the distance. Familiar sounds, smells, and sights. The airport was less frantic and much quieter than the city. I took a deep breath in and smiled a little, pulling my scarf over my nose. It started to snow when we landed and I'm glad I was wearing my thermals and a winter coat with a beanie and scarf.

"See? I told you it'd be a good flight." She patted my shoulder.

"Okay, Mom, you were right." I chuckled and grabbed my suitcase.

The airport was a bit crowded like usual the farther you go inside and we managed to get through to the front entrance. I called for a taxi and we finally got to our apartment.

"2142 West Bakers Street." The driver said, popping the trunk.

"Thank you." My mom got out and went to get our bags.

"Anytime." He said.

I got out and he rolled his window down. Mom handed me my bag and she handed him money.

"You ladies have a good time in Manhattan!" He called, driving off.

I sighed and looked up at the roof, almost picturing them standing up there again. This is going to be harder than I thought it would be.

We walked up the stairs and finally made our way to a familiar door.

"Here." She handed me the key.

I glanced at the key and the door. She nodded and I took the key, turning it, and opened it. The hallway was gone and replaced with an open entrance, while everything else stayed the way it was.

"I guess they made renovations while we were gone." Mom set her bags down by the island.

I nodded. "Yeah."

I fiddled with my hands and set my bag down. Mom looked at me and sighed.

"You're driving me insane with that look on your face. Go see him, already, dear!" She said.

My eyes lit up. "You sure you don't need me here for anything?"

"As far as I'm concerned, we're not moving again. You can take your sweet time unpacking and getting settled in your room later." She said.

I threw her the key and sprinted to the door. "Thank you, Mom!"

"Just make sure you tell Splinter I say hi!" She called to me while I ran out the door and down the stairs.

I exited through the side entrance of the building and stood by the manhole cover, pulling it up and out of the way. I climbed down the ladder and slid the cover back over me, shrouding myself in pitch darkness. When I got to the ground, water splashed by my feet and I turned my phone flashlight on. Ice covered most of the walls and floor, except for the small puddle I stepped in.

I looked around and started walking in the right direction. It was colder in the sewers this time of year and I almost slipped on ice a few times.

When I saw familiar pipes and came to what looked like a concrete wall, a small smile formed on my lips. I stood in front of it for a moment, staring at it.

"Come on, Angel." I muttered to myself.

It's only been two years. I doubt much has changed.

I took a deep breath in and reached up to pull the pipe above the closed door. I'm a lot taller now, so I didn't have to get on my tip toes like back then. The door parted open and I walked in slowly, hearing a thud behind me when it shut closed.

Green Stardust ~ (Sequel to Angel's Love of Two Wings)Where stories live. Discover now