Chapter 31

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Updating is gonna be about the same or just once a month because I just started college classes, but enjoy and no Q&A because no one asked any questions so yeah.


I sat across from Master Splinter staring at his cup, the steam coming off of it caught my attention and my thoughts wandered. The sound of a cup clanking against the table being set down startled me and brought me back to reality. Splinter hummed and opened his once closed eyes seconds ago and his gaze went from the cup to me, a comforting smile present. My hands fiddled with the full cup and I fidgeted in my seat anxiously.

"How is your Mother?" He asked.

"Good, she's currently dating a guy right now. He seems nice and she's happy." I replied, taking a small sip of the mint tea. "I'm happy for her too, I'm hoping it'll work out for her."

"And how are you doing dealing with her dating someone?" He asked slowly.

He knew the subject of a Father is sensitive to me ever since I first talked to him about it two years ago asking for advice. I nodded and swallowed the hot tea, setting the cup down in front of me.

"I'm not exactly on the fence of her dating someone. I mean, she's genuinely happy." I looked at him while I explained it. "I'm cautious, but with Derek, the guy she's with, I don't just feel comfortable when I'm around him now, I also feel myself getting some of that lost happiness I wished to have with my own biological Father, with Derek and it makes me feel good."

"That is wonderful to hear, Angel." He nodded smiling. "I'm very glad to hear this."

I nodded back, smiling slightly.

"Splinter?" I asked.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"Can honest with you about something?" I glanced at him and he gestured for me to continue.

"Of course." He took a sip of his tea.

"Well," I fiddled with the cup and sighed, "after a while when I first met you and your sons, trained not just with them but you as a mentor too, I ended up looking up to you as a father figure too."

Before he could say something I waved my hands in front of me nervously.

"What I mean is, it's probably because your sons have become brothers to me and I just followed suit with it all I guess." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "It's okay if you don't want me to, I must be making it awkward now since I'm saying it after a couple years..."

I glance at him and see his eyes widen just the slightest, but he hides it so well I start to think my own eyes were tricking me until a smile formed on his face; a happy, heartfelt smile.

"It brings me joy to know you have seen me as a Father figure, Angel. I take no offense whatsoever and always know I am here if you ever need me." He said with a wide smile.

I nodded smiling a little myself, feeling a bit of relief I could get that off my chest and tell him finally.

After a while of drinking tea and talking about miscellaneous things, Splinter spoke up asking something.

"How was California?" He asked.

I set my cup down.

"It wasn't all bad." I mumbled. "I had the tournament and it was fun in the end.

"Did you win any games?" He asked.

"Yeah! I did." I smiled, happy to be talking about one of my favorite sports.

Green Stardust ~ (Sequel to Angel's Love of Two Wings)Where stories live. Discover now