Chapter 20

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"Reset the timer to the same amount of time once that happens and I should be back to my original body." I heard Asbel call to me.

I nodded and tried to sit up, wincing from the pain in my shoulder.

"Okay," I replied, "thank you for helping me, Asbel."

He flashed a smile and then everything went dark for a few seconds. I gasped awake sitting up in my bed and jumped hearing a crash outside my door. My hand clutched my scarred shoulder and I looked around. I was about to reach for my bow and an arrow when my door swung open and Jasper ran inside. I screamed and snatched the bow, quickly cocking an arrow and firing at him. He dodged and it hit the wall behind him, running towards me. I fired another and he grabbed it mid air, breaking it in front of me.

I scooted back and landed knee first on the floor avoiding his fist swinging just an inch above my head. I grunted, rolling away from his grip and standing up. I swept my foot under his legs. He fell down and tried grabbing my ankle when I started to sprint out the door. I spun around and aimed another arrow at him. He stared at me and I narrowed my eyes at him, pulling back farther, and took a step back. Footsteps came towards me but I didn't look at who it was. Out of nowhere, I was tackled to the ground and held down by Raph. My bow slid away from me and I fought against his grip.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled.

He growled under his breath and I gasped when his eyes were completely white. Jasper probably has him under his control. I thought to myself. Not good. His hand wrapped around my neck and pressed down. My hand tried reaching for my rod belted to my side. I struggled and heard someone run up to us, slamming into Raph and knocking him over. I coughed and got up slowly.

"Thanks." I breathed out.

"Anytime, Angel." Mikey said.

Leo ran up with Donnie close behind and they skidded to a stop when they saw their brother under the enemy's control.

"Let our brother go." Leo growled.

"Or what?" Jasper stood up and smirked playfully.

He was enjoying this. All he needed was time and that's what he was getting. Jasper took a step forward with his hands behind his back. I glanced at his arm and saw it bend slightly, like he grabbed something. He came at me with a short tanto blade and I crossed my arms in an X, grabbing his wrist that was holding the blade, and tried kicking it out of his hand. He reacted by kicking my knee hard the other way it shouldn't bend with the heel of his boot. I yelled and fell down. He looked over me and I saw him flash back and forth from my dad to Jasper. I knew I was breaking from reality, and it was stronger than the rest. Leo and Donnie were occupied with Raph, while Mikey jumped between us.

"Wrong one." He mumbled.

"Stay away from her!" He yelled.

I clutched my knee and tried scooting away from him.

"Ohhh, I see." Jasper chuckled. "You're like a substitute."

"What?" Mikey was clearly confused.

Jasper rolled his eyes and swung his foot at Mikey. He dodged and punched his stomach, causing him to double over. Mikey stepped back and didn't give Jasper a second to breathe before he got sucker punched in the face, then slammed to the ground. It happened so fast I didn't catch everything Mikey did.

"Go to Donnie's lab right now, Angel!" He yelled. "Reset the timer!"

I glanced at him then Jasper.

"What about—?" He cut me off.

"Now! We don't have time!" He screamed. "We'll explain when we get him in there!"

Green Stardust ~ (Sequel to Angel's Love of Two Wings)Where stories live. Discover now