Chapter 21 ~ Crazy Little Thing Called....

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The gun clatters onto me and I roll away, sprinting to the door and putting the key in, turning it and running through. I didn't look back to see if it had actually shot him, and I didn't stop to check myself either. I kept running through the long hallway, not stopping until I reach the light at the end.

As I'm running through the light at the end, I see a glint of a blue mask and let out a small scream before I almost run into Leo. My arms wrap around him and he returns the hug.

"I thought something happened to you!" I said.

"Me? I was worried Jasper was with you and tried to hurt you." Leo parted at arms length.

We stared at each other and my cheeks burned a little. I looked away and took a step back from Leo. He did the same and cleared his throat.

"I'm glad you're okay." He said quickly.

I nodded and noticed his face turned beet red. My eyes wandered to where we were. An open meadow surrounded us with sunlight above—a complete opposite to the black void we were just in.

"What is this place?" I ask, looking around.

"I thought you would know." He said.

He shrugs and I catch myself smile the tiniest bit for some odd reason.

"First a black pit, and now a grassy meadow. I'm wondering if this is some sort of plan Jasper or your Father has going on." Leo ponders.

"I found my Dad." We make eye contact.


"Just before I got here. After I swam down, I thought it was you at first until I figured him out." I said.

"Like a true detective." Jasper's voice roars in the sky.

He floats down casually with his arms behind his back and lands softly on the grass.

"I applaud your efforts of finding out difficult situations." He said. "Now then, onto the next test."

"Stop playing games, Jasper." I said sternly.

He put his hands up defensively and chuckled.

"It's not me, Angel. Your Father insisted on doing this."

"We're not playing any of his games either." Leo said.

He shrugged and looked at the sky. "Have it your way. He just wanted to have a little fun for his last hurrah, if you know what I mean."

I glanced at Leo. "What does he mean?"

"Bad thing not telling a girl you love the rest of the plan, Leonardo." Jasper shook his head then put his hand over his mouth gasping. "Oops, guess that cat is out the bag too."

Leo stared intently at Jasper, angry with the man. Jasper laughs and waves.

"Have fun finding Asbel." He disappears leaving Leo and I on the field.

It's silent between us for a moment and a small gust of wind blows past us. Leo has his arms crossed and eyes closed, thinking. I bend down and pick a dandelion.

"So," I spoke up.

"We should find Asbel before it's too late." He looked around the field.

"Are you going to tell me what that was all about before we run off?" I stood up.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said nervously.

"You're not a very good liar, Leo." I sighed.

Green Stardust ~ (Sequel to Angel's Love of Two Wings)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon