Chapter 26 - Strength

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Fair warning, things written in this chapter may be too graphic, triggering, and such for certain readers. It involves Angel's struggle of her recovery from PTSD from the traumatic events she experienced and still does. This warning is for those who may get triggered by reading on through this chapter, despite the added information and development of the character.

I do this before chapter warning because I care, so if things mentioned above or more cause it, skip past it. If it makes you uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form, skip past it. If it becomes too much to read and you can't handle it, skip past it. If you don't like it, skip past it (tho I'd question why you're reading this series if said things in the plot isn't to your liking). I understand. And feedback is always welcome of course for anything in this book or past one.

That's all for my trigger warning to you all. Please tread carefully while reading.

And as always, comment and/vote. I take any feedback.


"You what?!" Cass dropped the bucket with the brush inside for the horses.

The clunk sound made the horses jump and move a few steps away. We were standing at the supply shed by the horses enclosed area in front of the house.

"R-reapt that again? I don't think I heard you correctly." She pointed to her ear.

"You heard me: 'I want to borrow your car to go to my house nearby'." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

She stared at me and sighed quietly, picking up the bucket and brush, putting them back inside the shed.

"I'm not so sure about this, Angel..." Cass sighed and held the car keys in her hand.

"My therapist told me that to help myself, I should try anything with my recovery." I pointed out.

She stared at me with an unhappy expression.

"But, it' is this going to even help? Tell me, you don't have a split personality disorder you never told me about because right now, this doesn't sound like the Angel I know at all."

She crosses her arms loosely over her chest, thinking.

"I don't have another personality, Cass, that I can assure you." I chuckled.

"When did your therapist say exposure therapy was an option? I thought you said you wouldn't go down that road!" She said.

"I told you I'd only use it as a last resort if I was in a facility or the hospital. This is my version of a small step exposure." I explained.

"What in the world possessed you to consider going back to that place? You had a hard time there during my case. I have no idea how you'll be staying there alone for a day by yourself." Cass's worry was clear by the sound of her voice.

Her eyes were pleading for me to rethink this over and not go back there. I held my arm and looked at her with a small smile.

"I'll be fine, I have a plan if things get bad for me. Besides, my mom gave me the keys before I left in case I was ready to take my therapy a step further." I showed her the keys and put them in my pocket.

She put her hand on her forehead and stared at the ground.

"Does Luke know you're doing this?" She looked up at me.

"No, none of them do." I shook my head slowly.

"What am I going to tell them you're out doing till really late tonight?"

Green Stardust ~ (Sequel to Angel's Love of Two Wings)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن