Chapter 2

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I picked at my waffles while Cass and Mom ate theirs. I probably had dark bags under my eyes and couldn't focus or think straight.

"Angel," my mom jotted me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah?" I perked my head up.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I took a sip of my OJ.

"Cause you look like you stayed up all night." She said.

I shook my head. "I'm fine, Mom, really."

She nodded. "Alright."

We all finished our breakfast, mine more or less, and Cass and I went to the living room. Mom went to her office down the hall. I sat down on the couch to catch up on some homework with Cassandra. I worked on some math problems while she did history homework. The phone rang and my mom picked it up.

"So," Cass started, "you never told me anything about New York when you lived there."

I looked up from the book. "What's there to tell?"

She rolled her eyes. "Let me see—what it's like living there, if you made any friends, if it's really as crowded and loud as they say, shall I go on?"

I put my book down and sighed.

"What do you want to know?" I ask.

She sits up and taps her chin thoughtfully.

"How about who your boyfriend is? What he looks like. How tall. And...oh! Have you two done anything?"

I blinked and rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Dang, that's a lot of questions, Cass."

She huffed. "That's not even half of what I wanted to ask you."

I chuckled lightly. "Alright, let's see."

I thought for a second, even though I didn't have to, I just wanted to build suspense for her.

"He's a tough brute on the outside, but a softy on the inside. Kind of like a bad boy you could say. Definitely taller than me, and he has striking eyes. And, to answer your last question, no, we have not 'done' anything." I said.

"You've kissed at least?" She asked.

"Yeah, we have." I smiled a little remembering the butterflies. "But nothing more than that."

"You haven't slept together?" She whispered.

My pencil flew out of my hand and across the room. "W-what d-do you mean b-by that?!"

She laughed. "I don't mean it like that, I'm talking about if you've literally slept in the same bed before or anything."

I sighed. "Yes, a couple times, why?"

"No reason, just curious." She said.

"I thought the saying always went, 'curiosity killed the cat'." I mumbled.

She shrugged. "'Satisfaction did bring him back', so, it still stands."

"Lunch is ready, girls!" Mom called from the kitchen.

"Coming!" We said in unison.

I closed my book and organized my pile of homework while Cass dashed off to grab food. My phone buzzed and I turned it off, ignoring the message.

I accidentally call you one night, Raph. It doesn't mean I'm wanting to constantly talk immediately.

I walk into the kitchen and sit next to Cass, while Mom stood across us on the other side of the counter. Cass stuffed her mouth with a sandwich and I laughed.

Green Stardust ~ (Sequel to Angel's Love of Two Wings)Where stories live. Discover now