Chapter 13

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"So where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He replied. "You'll see."

He drove off and I rested my head against his back while he weaved his way through the city. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I closed them, feeling one slide down my cheek. My arms wrapped tighter around his waist and he spoke up when he heard me sniffle over the coms.

"Ya okay, Angel?" He sounded worried.

"I'll be fine." I kept my eyes closed.

"Do ya wanna talk?" He asked gently.

"I'm just afraid of what'll happen." I said, slowly opening my eyes.

We were near the road in the mountain area.

"Of what exactly?"

"Getting my hopes up again like always. I saw the real him. My real Dad, Raph. Under all of the addiction and abuse, I just never thought he'd still be there. I talked to him and everything..." I said slowly.

He was quiet and let me continue while he drove and listened.

"When I was little I'd see him try to get better and it didn't last more than a day. I'd smile more and be happy I could hang out with an actual dad compared to a stranger and dangerous person." I said.

"He did at least try to get better." He said.

"Yeah, I give him credit for that. The longest he went was two months when I was a baby from what my mom told me. The only time I remember seeing him sober for a day was a couple weeks after the incident that got me in the hospital for the fourth time."

"How old were ya?" He asked.

"I was 6 years old." I said. "I had nightmares about that for months at a time after that."

The motorcycle slowly came to a halt and I got off, taking my helmet off and setting it carefully on the back of the bike where I sat.

"How many times?" He asked, getting off.

I was taken aback by his question. His back was facing me and he glanced back at me. I knew what he meant, but even I've lost count by now. It was almost every day until he'd be thrown in jail that one time, then again after, and so on to now. No, wait, I do know the number.

I held my arms and looked at him with no expression on my face. It's something someone who's been through abuse probably doesn't want to hear. This is the first time someone's asked me that. Even the police never questioned this for some reason. I looked down for a second then back up at him in the eyes.

"It wasn't every day, if that's what you mean." I said quietly.

A part of me wanted to come clean and say it out loud, but the other part of me wasn't. He turned around and leaned against his bike. I stared at the ground and felt his gaze on me.

"How many, Angel?" He stammered.

I let a small shaky breath out and held my arms tighter. I could almost feel my hands shaking.

Green Stardust ~ (Sequel to Angel's Love of Two Wings)Where stories live. Discover now