Chapter 24

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Carter looked around the parking lot, same as the rest of them. Well, a couple of them actually. Lance was looking out for Cass like Carter and I were. He was eager to meet her after I showed him a photo of what she looks like. Adam was playing games on his phone for the past ten minutes we've been waiting. Sun was still inside his hotel room grabbing last minute things he didn't want to forget, leaving his right hand man Carter in charge of us till he gets back. Jacob stood off to the side taking in the nearby scenery, glancing my way every so often.

Kyle laid down on the ground with his backpack as a pillow watching the clouds go by, saying what he sees sometimes. I was leaning against a wall with my eyes closed to rest them, thinking about everything and anything that's happened in the past week from when we left to now.

Sometimes I wonder how I can still do all of this after what I've been through. Yeah, a lot of other people even younger or older than me have gone through worse or their own version of hell. But, then I remember how far I've come, especially with all the help I've gotten. I grimaced hearing his voice in my ears and a memory of when he pierced the katana through my chest. My hand rested on the bandage. It was still trying to reopen and bled if I overexerted myself when I went to volleyball practice days after the incident.

Donnie didn't want me to and ordered me to rest, but I told him I needed a distraction anyway and at the time being on the court was the only thing that could help. But, it wasn't easy at first and I opted out of hitting and helped doing a passing drill instead. It doesn't bother me some of them noticed I didn't do my usual thing, and they haven't asked me about why so I'm just gonna keep it to myself for the time being.

Joseph stood near me and startled me when he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Is anyone else getting tired?" He groaned.

"Not really." Kyle mumbled, squinting his eyes trying to imagine another shape for a cloud possibly.

"You're using your imagination. Not all of us can still do that and not be bored." Lance said.

Jacob threw a small wood chip at Kyle's chest. Kyle ignored it and kept searching in the sky. Adam screeched and put his hands up to his face in agony and defeat. I open one eye and raise my eyebrow.

"Lose against the boss?" I ask in a monotone voice.

"Yeah, I can't get past it." He heaves a sigh and looks like he's getting into a different game.

I close my eyes again and enjoy the fresh air and quiet besides Adam's fingers battering his poor phone screen and cars driving by honking their horns.

"You know what I realized about California?" Carter said.

"And what's that?" Jacob asked.

"It's a lot quieter here than New York." He said.

"It's a bit warmer than home right now, too, now that you mention it." Adam added.

"Why move away from here to somewhere colder and noisier?" Lance asked.

"Sometimes it isn't what we want to do, it's what we have to. Or it's because someone's work forces us to move somewhere else." I answered, my eyes still closed.

"Don't you miss living here, though?" Adam asked.

I open my eyes and stare at him thoughtfully. "I guess, but either way, I'm glad I moved away from here."

"Why? I mean this state is pretty cool, but I've never been here before or out of New York that often so I'm probably being biased here." Kyle chimes in.

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