Chapter 6

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My hand pulls down on the pipe, and the concrete door slides open. I walk through and hold the pizza box close, hearing the guys in the kitchen.

"Sorry, am I interrupting something?"

I walked into the kitchen and saw them gathered around the island with their gear on. They all looked like they were planning something.

"Angel?" Raph asked. "I thought ya had school today?"

I shook my head and handed an eager Mikey the pizza box and let him grab a slice.

"My mom let me have the day off so I could rest a bit." I said. "Why?"

Donnie and Leo exchange glances. "We didn't know you were coming."

I tilt my head. "What do you mean? I talked to Leo on the phone last night. You told me to come at 11am."

"What?" Leo was confused.

I set my bag down on the counter. "Was I not supposed to come? Because I can leave if you guys don't want me here today. I'm sorry I intruded."

"No, you didn't intrude. I just don't remember talking to you on the phone last night." Leo said.

"Okay, did one of you play a prank on me or something?" I ask.

"This isn't a prank. Was it really Leo who called?" Donnie asked.

I pulled my phone out and scrolled through my recent calls and found an unknown number at the same time as the call.

"Wait, I don't know this number." I mumbled. "That's the one that called me last night. I didn't look at my screen because I was really tired."

"Here, let me see." Donnie held his hand out for my phone and I gave it to him.

"Who did it sound like on the other end?"

"Exactly like Leo, except he acted different and that's what bothered me."

"What did he say?" Raph asked.

"To come here at 11 o'clock because he needed to tell me something important." I said.

"Anything else?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah, to wear something warm for patrol tonight and that I'd be going with you guys." I replied.

They all exchanged glances and looked at each other.

"They know our patrol times?" Mikey asked with a mouthful of pizza.

Leo crossed his arms. "This isn't good. It's definitely Asbel, no doubt."

"No, it isn't him. He doesn't sound anything like you, Leo. They must have someone who can do impressions of other people." I said.

"Okay, then who is this guy?" Raph asked.

"I don't know." I shook my head. "Sorry, I should've been more careful."

"It's okay. It all happens to us." Raph put his hand on my shoulder and I nodded.

"Can I ask a question?" I hesitated.

"Depends what you're asking." Leo responded.

I rubbed the back of my neck and asked slowly. "Well, can I still go out on patrol with you guys?"

Green Stardust ~ (Sequel to Angel's Love of Two Wings)Where stories live. Discover now