“I can promise you, anything is possible if you really want it” Ava explained.

We all looked at each other at the table agreeing, but none of us were going to do anything about it.

After last the conversations we had last night, anything seemed possible and I had faith that Dylan and I would work things out.

I arrived at the airport that day to find that everyone was there. Even Stefan’s Sister Camilla who came out with us all a few times. She was the youngest, the cutest and the one we all protected.

Camilla was the first to run towards me from the check-in point. I gave her a squeeze, having not seen her in a few weeks.

“Take loads of pictures, have a brilliant time and come back to me soon” she begged whilst hugging me tightly.

“I will babe, you be careful and when I come home we will have the biggest catch up” I promised.

Followed by Camilla were Stefan and Ava.

All three of them hugged me at the same time.

“We’re gonna miss you” Stefan whispered in my ear as Ava started removing tears from her eyes, she was such an emotional girl.

They all pulled away from me as Frankie walked towards me. He kissed my forehead before hugging me tightly. “Do not forget me” he begged.

“I could never forget you, you are my best friend” I smiled as he took a step away from me and stood with the others.

Next coming towards me was Taylor with Ashley behind me.

Taylor hugged me first. “We will be here waiting”

As he pulled away I nodded and smiled, moving my head towards Ashley who was crying.

She held onto me tightly and we both rocked side to side.

“You’re my best friend Ash, any time you need me please just email me” I begged her.

I felt her nod as she wiped the tears.

“I need you here, I’m just going to miss my best friend” she cried.

“I know babe” I pulled away from her as she walked towards Taylor holding his arms out for her.

Dylan slowly walked towards me and I walked towards him too.

“Have fun” he said, trying to smile.

“Dylan…” I was trying to think of something to say, I have so much, it was hard with the little time we had.

“Have fun Miss Neavie-Anna” he began to smile more.

Hearing him say that made me smile.

He slowly moved towards me and leaned in for a hug.

I held onto him tightly, my head meeting his chest and listening to his heart beat.

“Please do not forget me” he begged, whispering in my ear.

“I couldn’t even if I tried. Don’t forget me?” I responded.

He pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes.

“I couldn’t even if I tried” he promised.

He kissed my forehead, making the tears from my eyes fall.

He smiled at me and I let out a little giggle.

“See you soon” He said holding onto both of my hands.

“This is it, when I come home things will be different” I reminded him

He nodded his head, he already knew.

“I’ll miss you” I promised him.

Everyone was watching the both of us, to see what looked like an extremely sad break-up scene from a movie.

“We’re Neavah and Dylan; everyone knows I’ll miss you”

That’s the thing, we are Neavah and Dylan – the ultimate couple expected to make it through not be apart. I think that’s what hurt.

Expectations are pressuring especially when they are the same expectations to what you have. I expected for this to be the most amazing summer ever and it was, not even doubtful of it – but it would have been my favourite summer if I had Dylan for all of it. Sometimes I just wish the expectations I have or that people have would just happen exactly how we plan them to but then again that wouldn’t be life would it? Everything would just be too easy. That doesn’t even make sense because Dylan and I were never easy going; we had a bumpy road from the start but ignored it. All the signs screaming “Don’t do this Neavie” or “Don’t do this Dylan” were avoided and we just had fun. Now karma has come around and completely destroyed my life, breaking my heart in the process.

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