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Y'all this is the last chapter for Behind The Echoes!!!! :(
I cannot believe it!! I hope you guys and girls enjoyed it!
Also if you beautiful people just wanna talk in PM or on my board, please do!
Three years later
River and I have been doing really good. He has to work and so do I but our busy schedules doesn't change anything.

I've grown into being a better Christian over the years and I'm very proud of myself. It's not just me that prays in the morning and nights now, me and River pray together.

I'm also not a babysitter anymore, now I'm a nurse at the hospital, the station I mostly spend my time is helping women deliver their babies. I was a little disgusted at first but only because I was in training, now I know what to do even with my eyes closed which probably isn't a good idea.

And River, he has a good paying job too, he's a doctor, his stations are mostly at the blood works. We work at the same hospital and we sometimes see each other walking in the halls.

He'll wink at me when I'm roaming the halls, he'll even grab me and pull me into another room and kiss me. I'll yell at him that we're at work but he'll just say "Never heard of it" and continue.

But I guess that's where my life has taken me.

My shift ends at 5:00 o'clock and River's ends at 3:30. Whenever I drive home I'll see him waiting for me on the front porch with roses in his hands with a beautiful smile on his face.

We'll cook dinner together, we'll play music and dance together, sometimes we'll even have a food fight.

Now that you're all caught up, I'm pulling into my drive way right now. It's 5:25 o'clock as the usual time when I get home and I'm more excited than I can bare to see River.

I get out of the car and see him walking towards me. I smile and run as fast as I could just feel his arms around me.
I finally jump into his arms hoping his reflexes will catch me, which they do.
I hear River chuckle to himself, "You actually ran."

I hug him tight with my eyes closed and a light smile on my face.

"Mhmm, I love you, River." I say.

He lets go of our hug to face me. Of course he's already smiling, like always.

"And I love you Bethany Skye."
He clears his throat, "Or should I say Bethany Haze."

He gets down on one knee and reveals a ring with two beautiful diamonds on it.

I gasp putting my hands to my mouth, "River..." I say.

"I don't have a speech because I don't need one, I'm not saying this to be prideful or anything, I'm saying this because I know our memories and many more to come are enough, so...Will you do the extreme honors and be my wife?"

I nod knowing I couldn't say anything.

He smiles, "Yeah?"

I nod again smiling and laughing like a crazy person.

"Y'all she said yes!" River yells.

I look around and see loads of people coming out from bushes, jumping down from trees, coming out of the water. I begin to cry seeing all of these people with smiles on their faces and yelling like kids at the playground.

I loved how he knew I was going to say yes otherwise all the people wouldn't be here.

I look at River and see him smiling. I place my hand over my heart, "River..this is so beautiful." I deeply breathe

He leans to my ear and whispers, "I told you it's gonna be tons of surprises when you're with me." He then kisses my ear.

"Yeah, you did." I admit.

River wraps his arms around me, "Didn't I say that you wouldn't be sad forever?"

I remember our road trip up here because Scott had escaped from prison. I remember the moment where it was silent in the car and then he caught me off guard by telling me I wouldn't be sad forever.

I smile and feel my face heat up. "Yes, you did."
————————————————-Y'all ain't allowed to cry because then I'll cry!!! Well, that's the end of Behind The Echoes! Don't forget to Follow, Vote, and Comment!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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