Chapter Fourteen

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Rage is all feel. Someone killed my mother, made it look like a suicide, made it look like she's the one who ended her life, but someone so heartless killed her.

I imagine what pain she felt. I tensed up just thinking about it.

The police officer stands there with sorrowful eyes, "Do you know anyone that would want to hurt her, want her..dead?"

I shook my head no, "Everyone loved my mother."

"What about the finger prints?" Scott asked.

"What about them?" The police officer asked.

Scott clarifies, "You said you found finger prints, so, how would you find finger prints and not get a lead?"

The police offences makes a face, not a happy one.

"Son, I'm just doing my job."

Scott chuckles, "Sir, you found finger prints, you have proof that it was not a suicide, but what do you do? You ask people if they know anyone who would hurt her but you have finger prints of who did it, why the hell aren't you scanning them?"

I agree with Scott, this police officer isn't making any sense, they have a lead but they're not doing anything about it. But why?

"Y'all have a good day."

With that, he walks away.

I walk out the door and stop at the steps and I lift up my middle finger.

"Go to hell!"

I've never cussed in my life but anger can do many things and I'm sure I'm going to regret doing that later.

He gets into his car and doesn't pay attention to me, he pulls out of the driveway and drives off.

I slam the door and tighten my fists into a ball.

Scott looks at me with a worried look, "Flower, don't scream."

I look up at him confused, "Why would I sc-"

My question was cut short when he smashed his lips into mine.

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer and then wraps his arms around me. I smile while kissing him.

He kisses me one more time and let's go and he rests his head with mine, our foreheads touching.

"Round two?"

I push him away from me, playfully, "You keep up with that cocky mouth you won't be getting anything."

I then remember my mother.

I need to know who killed her.

"Drive me home." I demand.

He seems to be shocked, "Why? Do you not like it here?"

"No, I love it here, especially with you, I just need to know who killed her, Scott. I have to."

He looked at me hesitantly, "Okay, let's go."

He grabbed the car keys and opened the front door for me, I walked out and heard him close the door behind me.

I hear him unlock the car doors, I jogged to my side cause I'm really excited and determined to get to the bottom of this.

I jump in and shut the door and then buckle in waiting for Scott.

He finally gets in for what seemed like forever but it only took two seconds.

He starts the car and backs up and we drive off.

Five or so minutes we pull into my driveway.

Scott turns off the car and turns to face me, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I look at my house which has crime yellow tape on it as a sign of a crime scene.

I turn my head back to Scott.

I nod my head yes and I get out.

I shut the car door and face my house.

Scott walks around the car and stands next to me, he takes my hand and holds it tight.

We walk together, we bend down low so we don't mess up the tape, I almost tripped making it slightly rip but I think it'll be okay.

Scott walks up to the door and opens it before going in he calls out 'hello' I don't know why but he does.

After a few seconds he tells me it's okay to go in so I step in and the moment I do, the memories that flushed over me, almost made me cry.

I hold it in and walk to where all my pictures and memories were.

I smiled at the memory, it was me as a baby with my mom and dad smiling as big as ever holding me together.

I put it back down and walk up stairs to my mother's room, I hear the door creak as I push it open, I leave it open and walk around.

I look under her pillow, I look under her sheets...nothing.

I need to find something, anything to give me answers for my mother's murder.

But then I remember her secret hiding spot.

It was in the wall, I never had the chance to ask her why, but I know if she's hiding something it'll be in there.

I walk over to the wall and feel for soft spots, and there it was, I pushed my hands against it to make it fall backwards or at least to where I can grab it and move it to the side.

It moves to where I can grab it, it's not as heavy I thought it would be, but I'm just as grateful.

I put my hand into the hole and feel for anything. (Get your minds out of the gutter guys and girls)

I feel something so I instantly grab it so it doesn't slip because I can't see anything unless I spot a flashlight to bring light.

I pull it out slow, I come to find it's a book, it's says Holding onto him

I question what that means, I open it the book and there are little baby pictures but the thing is, it's not me.

I hear footsteps coming from the stairs, I turn to look at the doorway and see Scott coming in, he sees what I got and walks closer to take a look.

I turn the pages until me and Scott see something that we never that we'd see.

Scott points to my mom and the little kid who is sitting on my mom's lap, " that Ryan?"

"Yeah, yeah it is.." I say.

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