Chapter Nineteen

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"Hey, Bethany, wake up, police are here." River says softly pushing me to wake me up.

I open my eyes and see River with two police men with Scott.
I scream while putting my hands up in defense. River rushes towards me and wraps his arms around me trying to stop me from screaming.

Scott notices his hands on me, "Don't you touch her!"

River looks at him with a annoyed look and flips him off and then turns back to me with worrisome. "I gave you my word I wouldn't let Scott touch you, he's not, he's handcuffed..see?" He says pointing to Scott.

I look at Scott and see his arms are behind his back so River was right, he couldn't touch me unless he launched himself at me, which I dont think he could do because the two police men have him secured.

One of the men clears his throat and looks at me and River, "River is a very good friend of mine, I've known him since he was in kindergarten, he's a good kid. Now, Miss. Skye is it?" I nod my head and he writes down on his notepad.

"Okay, well, I am aware of your mother's death and the case it's self and I'm very sorry for your loss, can you tell me how you found out that Scott, was responsible for your mother's death?"

"He confessed. He wasn't acting right, he was acting strange, I'm guessing he knew that I was on to him or something, he wanted to leave, he was always on watch or had a eye out..just not himself. So I asked him why was he acting this way and he told me he murdered my mom because he hated how she caused me pain." I explain.

He finishes writing my words and thinks of anything else to ask.

"Well, I think that'll be all, I don't have anything to add unless my partner, Malcolm?" He looks to Malcolm but he shakes his no in response.

"Alright, I'm gonna leave you here with River until you know you're okay to be by yourself. If you need anything, just..give us a call." He smiles.

River stands up to his feet and pats the police man's shoulder, "Thanks Jack, I'll keep you posted."

Malcolm pushes Scott signaling him to walk forward out the door, Jack walks behind them and waves us goodbye and shuts the door.

"Okay, so..uh, what do you like to watc-"


He raises both of his eye brows and laughs, "Never knew I'd find someone who'd like the same show as me."

I look at him and he smiles at me, he walks to the TV and turns it on, I see him making his way down the channels to find Spongebob. "Ah, there it is."

He sat down and kissed me with passion making me smile against out kiss and we had sexual intercourse.

No I'm just kidding. He just sat down next to me, watching Spongebob with me until the TV turns black and so does the cabin.

I look to River, or I try to.

"Power is out, let me get the candles." He says getting up and walking to the kitchen to find candles.

I hear a click and see a small source of light, I see River carrying it to the coffee table in front of me .

"Is that it?" I ask.

He nods his head, "Yeah, sorry. I'm not exactly rich like other guys are. But it should last us and if it don't then I'll go outside and get some firewood."

River clears his throat and I can feel his stare on me, "So, Bethany? Tell me some things about you."

I chuckle sorrowful , "You already know most of it."

I hear River sigh, "I told you to tell me things about you love, not things that happened to you."

My body tenses up when he called me love.

"Tell me things about you, River Haze."

He smiles, "Gladly, I'm a Christian man, I'm 19, my parents died from a fire when I was 17, which brought me closer to God and his son as you may know, Jesus. I've never had a girlfriend, still a virgin and proud, and as you may know, I'm in love with Spongebob."

He holds out his hand, "I don't think we met very appropriately, Hello, my name is River Haze, and it's very pleasant to meet you Bethany Skye."

I shake his hand and smile back laughing a little, "It's very nice to meet you too River."

He let's go of my hand and continues to talk. "I'm sorry to ask this but are you a Christian?"

"I'm getting there, I was in a car accident about a month ago, the doctors said I was in the water for three hours but had no side effects or anything, I was perfect in health but, when I was in the water, I could feel myself about to die but then I saw a man, wearing a gown or whatever it is, and he was walking my way, he told me to think about it but I never knew what it meant."

River stares at me with his mouth dropped open, "You saw Jesus?!"

"I think so?"

River closes his mouth, "God brought us together for a reason."

I look at him, maybe he was right but I can't really adult myself right now.

River begins, "You can start a new life Bethany. A new beginning, where you can have peace and happiness with no pain or suffering. The Devil is tougher but the battle has already won, and so can you." He says grabbing my hand.

I look down at our hands, I begin to feel tears streaming down my face but without making a sound.

"I want Jesus, I do, but I've turned him down for so long, I've always ran from him, why does he still want me?" I whimper.

River positions himself to where he is sitting across from me so he can look me in the eyes, "Because he died for you, he loves you, he wants you. His arms are always open."

I nod my head and stare directly into River's eyes, "I think I can do it..."

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