Chapter Twenty Four

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I wake up with my head against the car window, trees passing like vampire speed. I must have fallen asleep when...

And then it hit me. Scott, he escaped prison and I know he's coming for me. What if he does get me? I'll never see River again. What if he kills River? I'll never be able to forgive myself, maybe if I stay away from River or run away from him he won't get hurt. I'll leave him a note.

"Hey, you're awake."

I turn my head over and see River smiling at me, you can tell he hasn't slept. His hair is all spiked up instead of forward, the bags under his eyes, his voice sounding more like a whisper.
But still yet, he's beautiful even if he looks like a zombie.

"Car-morning." I smile

"Mmm-hmm, do not do those lame puns." He chuckles.

He reaches beside him and pulls out a cup of coffee, "Here you go."

I gladly take the cup, pull it to my mouth and take a sip. It was the best

I wondered where we were headed, where we were going, if there was a specific destination. Because I certainly had no idea, not one clue. I wish I was a kid again, I'm sure other people do too but I would give anything to be a kid again, worrying about what time mom and dad would send me to bed, and always wanting to go outside no matter the weather, and arguing with another kid about who is the better dancer or who is better at tag.

"What is on your mind?" River asks

I chuckle to myself, "Just going on memory lane."

"About what? If I may ask."

I smile at the thought of being a kid again, if I could go back in the past maybe just maybe I could have prevented walking away from Scott's life, my mom would still be alive, my dad too, I would have my home back. I would live like a normal teenager would but not this one.

"Being a kid again." I respond

I see him nod his head still starring at the road.

"So, where we going?" I ask

River grows a smile, "My amazing beach house I begged my grandmother let me borrow for a few weeks."

I raise my eyebrows at him, "You're kidding right?"

He looks at me and smirks and then focuses back on the road. I'm guessing he's not kidding. "How far away are we?"

"Not far." He replies

That definitely answers my question, please do note my sarcasm. I look out the window and see people walking with cell phones up to their ear, almost everyone, maybe five people are actually enjoying the view and not the screens.

"You won't be sad forever, Bethany." River says taking a hold of my hand.

"What makes you think I'm sad?"

I look to him and see him with his serious look, he didn't say that to make me blush, he didn't say that to lure my lips to his, he said that because he knew I was faking it, I was putting on a good smile so when people asked me 'are you okay?' I would tell them I was but I wasn't. I would lie so I wouldn't have to think about it. About my mom and my dad and now, about Scott.

"You can fool your church people, your friends, your family but you can't fool a man who has experienced the same sadness. I get it, I know what it looks like. I'm telling you now, you will not be sad forever. I give you my word."

I begin to feel tears reaching for the surface but I control myself.

"How did you deal with it?" I ask, my voice a little shaky.

"I didn't. He did." He points up and I know exactly what he's referring to.

"But I was alone and didn't have anyone, you have me. Of course I'll be here for you but try to pray about it once in a while, I'll even pray with you, kitten." He smiles.

He let's go of my hand and puts it back on the stirring wheel.

"This thing about Scott, pray about that too. I'm sure you have anger for him but you're better than he is. Forgive your enemies, Beth."

I didn't like what he said but inside my heart I knew he was right. I can't stay angry with him forever. Besides, I'm not going to be in a relationship with Scott again. Yes, we had history and there was passion but that all faded away along with my mom.

"Love your enemies, but nobody said you gotta like 'em." River chuckles

I understood what he said, I will love Scott but not in the same way as before, I can't. It would be too much. Even for him.

"Are we almost there?" I ask sounding like a child in the backseat every twelve minutes.

"Yes." He replies

He pulls into a dirt road with a huge house at the end of it with beautiful water in front of the house but that's just what I see in the distance.

We reach to the end of the dirt road and everything is so beautiful here, the grass is bright green, the water is as blue as ever and the bushes with beautiful white roses growing around them.

Someone knocks on the car window on River's side causing one of us to scream and it wasn't me...

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