Chapter Twenty six

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I felt redeemed. I felt better than okay.

"I'm so proud of you, darling." A familiar voice from behind said

I turn around to see who had said that, my dad, standing there with a smile. Waiting for me to say something, I've seen weirder things so I'm not freaked out by seeing my dead father in front of me....Kinda freaky huh?

"Is mom okay?" I ask, preparing myself for whatever he was going to say

His smile grows bigger, "Oh, Bethany, she is proud of you. She wants you to let River into your heart, to not push him away, so please, do not push away."

Tears start leaving a trail down my cheeks as I smile to myself.

"I didn't know if she would be disappointed in me or what." I sigh, wiping my tears with the side of my hand.

He shakes his head, still with a smile.

"Do not let Scott hurt you any further, do not let him get what he wants." He says with a serious look


A flash of light hits my eyes, the brightness stops when I see River shaking me as if I were asleep, "Bethany! Please, what is wrong?"

I noticed I was on the floor, I pushed myself up looking around confused. River was breathing heavily, I felt a weird sensation against my chest so I assumed he had tried to perform CPR.

"I saw my dad." I blurt out catching him off guard

"What-what do you mean?" He asks confused.

I adjusted my legs slowly to a criss cross applesauce, putting my hands on my lap fidgeting with my finger nails trying to avoid looking at River. I didn't want him thinking I was crazy.

"I don't want to move so fast.." I whisper. What I just said practically has nothing to do with what was really happening but what my dad said was true, I needed to let River into my heart but I want to do it the right way. Me and Scott went too fast, I thought since we've known each for years it would be the same but nothing is the same once you make a romantic connection with them apparently.

I want this to work with River and I.

"Do you think it's been going too fast?" He asks clearing his throat.

I would say no, he's been going the perfect pace for me. He's the perfect gentleman, I just didn't want to move quickly yet.

"No, I like this pace, I was just fearing it would escalate and I didn't want to..yet."

Scott's face comes racing through my mind making me jump and making River concerned.

"What's happening with Scott?" I near my fingers to my mouth, easily nipping my nails.

He shakes his head, slowly shrugging his shoulders. "They've found his activity at my cabin but that's all the information I could get, they didn't want to risk us getting hurt."

I agree by nodding.

He covers his hand over mine, causing my hairs to stand up and butterflies in my stomach.

"Why don't we get up off the floor, huh?" He asks, letting go of my hand to get up.

I stand up to my feet, meeting River's smiling face. He puts his hands on my hips pulling me closer till our noses are basically touching. This was exactly what I was afraid of, I don't want to go too fast, even though it is just one kiss but I don't want it to happen because we're hiding in a beach house because my murderer of a ex boyfriend escaped prison and is coming for me.

He leans in, his eyes starring into mine, his hot minty breathe brushing against my cheek. I know I need to push him away, doing what I had promised myself but if you were could you push away? He smiles and then whispers in my ear, "Don't worry, I won't kiss you..not yet anyway."

He pulls away winking at me and then walking off into the kitchen. Leaving me there with a beating heart and a nervous smile on my face.

Clever River Haze.

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