Chapter Twenty Nine

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After River's surprise we had decided to go to the store and buy our house some thing that we wanted, a little rearranging. We took out everything we didn't want..which was everything.

Right now we're looking at the love seats which aren't that expensive, "What about that one?" River points to the red leather one.

I shake my head no in response.

River sighs, "Okay Bethany? Kitten, we need to make a choice, trust me, everything is gonna be just fine. Just pick one and let's move on, yeah?"

I groan and make a pouting face but I do as he says. I look at each couch imagining what it would look like in our home. I pointed to the white love seat in the back corner that was for sale. River looked at me smiling, putting his hand on my lower back while rubbing softly up and down.

We walk together to the woman who was nearby, "Excuse me?" River says to the lady.

She turns around to face whoever had called her, "Hi, I'm River and this is Bethany, we would like to get that white couch that is for sale please." He points to where it is located.

She nods her head, "Yes sir, if you would just follow me and I'll get you checked out." She smiles.

She walks in front of us and we do as she suggested.

I was really happy to find things that would fit in our home. I was really excited but I had no idea it would require this much work, I just thought it was a 'you don't really do the work' kind of deal but apparently River wanted my every single opinion on everything. And if I didn't like it he would tell me to choose, unfortunately for me, I didn't like anything River picked so I had to look at everything.

But he was very patient, he agreed with everything I liked and I was as to curious how he could be so understanding.

We paid for the love seat and started walking out of the store so we could go home, we had to give them our address so in a week or so they could deliver it to us.

"River, I'm sorry I was a pain in the butt back there." I apologize as we get into the car, I swing my legs in and close the door as I grab on the seat belt and buckle myself in waiting for his response.

"It's okay. I get it, this is our brand new start and you don't want things to get messy." He explains as he puts the car in reverse.

I look out the window, "Something like that."

I feel River cover my hand like a blanket, "Hey, don't stress so much over this, the house is gonna look perfect, just wait and see. Trust me on this, okay?"

I smile at his words and nod my head. He was right, everything was going to be okay, the house would look great once we get everything in there and then we can start our new life.

"How are you so calm?" I ask.

River chuckles, "God, he brought you in my life, so I have no doubt he won't make our life a little easier with this rearranging situation."

"Oh." I say.

I know I'm not the best Christian like River is, but God has done so much for River and I. How can I not be grateful? I pray every morning when I wake up, every night when I go to bed, and I praise and thank him every time something good happens.

We pull into our driveway, once he stops the car I unbuckle myself  and grab on the handle to get out but it doesn't open.

I turn to River for help but see him smiling at me, his smile gives away his innocence.

I squint my eyes at him, "You locked the door."

He nods, "Mmm-hmm."

"Why?" I ask.

River giggles like a girl, "I have a surprise for you."

"Again?" I ask with my eyes widen.

Don't get me wrong, I love River and his sweet gifts but I can't help but feel guilty that I haven't gotten him anything, he knows I have no money so I know he somewhat understands the reason I haven't bought him anything.

"Girl, come on. When you're with me, there is gonna be loads of surprises and gifts, just you wait and see." He gives me a evil smile and unlocks the door and then makes a run for it.

Why you may ask, I have no idea why he's running.

I groan knowing that I have to catch up with him. Until my eyes are set on the keys still in the car. I give a evil smile to myself. I climb to the driver's side and start the car. I begin to slowly drive while looking side to side for River.

I roll down the window, "River! I am not running so you better stay where you are!" I yell.

I finally see him standing out in front of the house with his arms across his chest.
Once he sees what I'm doing he lifts both of his arms in the air and begins to laugh.

When I get close enough to River I turn off the car and open the door, I get another glance at his expression and see him shaking his head slowly in disbelief.

I walk towards River one foot in front of the other smiling to myself.

"Really?" He asks taking two steps forward.

I smile. "I told you I'm not running."

"Go inside." River says.

I remember his surprise.

I look at him with a cautious face but I do as he says. I walk up the steps and see that the door is already open. I walk  slowly and look both ways like I would do as if I were on a street or highway.

I scream.

"Oh my gosh!" I scream again.

River jogs to me with a smiling face, "Do you like it?"

I put my hands over my mouth, "River! I love it!"

Everything I had picked out in the store was here, the white love seat, the two wooden rocking chairs, the protected glass table, the painted light blue walls, the polished wooden floor...everything.

I turn around to face River, "You did all of this?"

"Why do you think I wasn't so stressed?" He smirks.

I playfully punched his arm, "So you just let me be stressed?" I laugh.

He shrugs his shoulders, "Worked out pretty good though, didn't it?"

I nod my head still with amazement.

The house looked so beautiful.

"I cannot believe you did this." I breathe in.

River walks in front of me putting his hands on my waist, "Think you're ready for our first kiss?"

I smile as so does he. He leans in and his minty lips touch mine, his hands on my back push me forward so I cannot let go and honestly, I didn't want to. Everything that has happened to me happened for a reason and this was it. To be in love with a real man.

I can feel his smile against my lips, he lets go very slowly and then opens his eyes.

"I love you, Bethany."

"And I love you, River." I say.

He wraps a arm around my waist and pulls me to his side. We both look at the house together like a married couple would do.

I can see him smile in the corner of my eye, "So, you ready to start our new life, Bethany Skye?"

I look at River for a second and then look back at the house and smile to myself.

"Yeah, I am." I say with confidence.

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