Chapter Twenty one

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The service was good. The whole time River held my hand and the whole time his touch would tingle my nerves. I know I shouldn't be getting into another relationship but I can't help but get this feeling when I'm near him.
We came back to his house, right now we're watching television, I don't know what it is we're watching, I'm not exactly paying attention.

"What is it?" River asks pausing the TV, looking at me.

I shake my head in response and kept starring at his brown wooden wall.

River sighs and then gets up from the couch, walking into his kitchen.

"You know, Bethany. Everything you've been through believe it or not will make you stronger so you can help people like you." He says while opening the refrigerator.

"People like me?" I ask

I see him nod his head, as he grabs a water bottle and closes the refrigerator door. "Why yes, people who have been hurt in the most terrible ways imagination has ever seen. Like your heart just being ripped out and then stored back in like nothing happened."

He's not wrong. That is exactly how I felt, the one true guy I could actually say I loved killed my mom because he cared, maybe just a little too much. I wish I could know what the future holds but I don't, and that drives me crazy. Not knowing what could or what will happen to you.

"I know what you mean."

He takes a sip from his water bottle. And then he travles back to the couch and sits next to me again.

"I know, and I'll be with you the whole trip. I know you don't exactly need me but I'd love to be the person who stores your heart back in, probably."

"I'd like that too." I smile at him.

He smiles back at me, "Shall we rest?"

I nod my head and return his smile.

He gets up from the couch and me being my greedy self I take my chance to stretch and take up the whole thing, I sigh in relief knowing the couch is mine

"Really?" He scoffs

"Most definitely." I say

He starres at me while forming his face into smile and slowly shaking his head at me, "I like you, Bethany."

I look at him with a shocked expression. His smile still as big as ever, his eyes focused on me like always.

Do I like him? I mean, I know I do but what happened with Scott, I can't be hurt like that again but then yet I knew River wouldn't, he believes God has sent us together and surprisingly, I think so too.

"I think I like you..."

River laughs, "We'll get there."

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