Chapter Five

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Bethany's POV

I wake up to soft and gentle snores, I look up from my comfortable pillow, which was Scott's chest and saw Scott sleeping like a baby.

I hear my door creak open as I turn around to face my mother who looks apologetic, "It's okay mom, you didn't wake me up." I whisper-yell

She nods her head as relief and moves her lips, "There is breakfast for you and Scott at the dinner table." My mom whispers.

I nod my head and she forms a 'okay' sign with her hand and walks back out and closes the door quietly.

I look over to Scott, who is still sleeping. I remember I have to work today. Ugh, I'm a babysitter and this girl I babysit is such a piece of work.

I get from my bed, slowly and carefully so I don't wake up Scott, as I accomplish it, I head into the shower.

After washing my body and my hair, I get out and with my towel around me and go into my room to open my dresser for clothes.

"I'm looking the other way, don't worry." A familiar voices announces, I turn around and see Scott, with his hands over his eyes and looking the other way.

I thought it was very sweet of him to do that. Let me tell you girls, most guys just wanna see how 'big' your breast are. And we all get it, some guy's are actually a gentleman, like Scott.

I giggle about the thought, I mean, he can look, I'm wrapped around the towel, there's nothing to see, "Scott, it's okay, you can look, I'm wrapped around a towel, you have nothing to see."

He turns this way with his hand still covering over his eyes, as he slowly faces me, he lifts one finger to peak and make sure I wasn't testing him, once he sees I was right he looks at my face and smiles.

"You're too trusting, Flower." He smiles.

I shoot a smile back and turn around so I can find some clothes, "Only to you." I say, my back still facing him.

I can hear him chuckle to himself , I remember what my mom had told me about breakfast, I agreed to myself he's probably hungry, "Hey Scott, there's breakfast on the table, go ahead and go down while I get dressed and I'll meet you down there."

I feel a pair of hands on my waist, his hands shift as he attempts to turn my body to face him. He did exactly that, he smiles when he sees my face. Scott cups my face and kisses me soft on my lips and then let's go. He begins to walk out the door for breakfast leaving me breathless.

All I do is stare at him while he walks out until he disappears at the corner.

He's so beautiful, I just wonder why he wants me though. There are about millions of pretty girls, what made him choose me?

I kick myself out of my thoughts and get a set of clothes for me to change into, once I do, I look at myself in the mirror, I kind of liked what I saw, I'm not saying I'm hot I just wasn't bad looking, me anyway.

I walked into the kitchen and see Scott with Ryan


We didn't have a session today, he didn't call us or anything, no, no, no, no.

Ryan cannot mess up my day with Scott.

"Hey Flower, you didn't tell me you had to see Ryan today." Scott says, he tries to be happy but I can see he's sad.

"Ryan, I'm kinda busy today. You didn't call, you can come again next Saturday." I snap.

Scott smirks at me and turns to Ryan as he begins to speak, "Bethany, I'm not here for us to get to work, I'm here because we need to talk about which days you're free on so I can come over." Ryan states.

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