Chapter Nine

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I wake up to a noise, I slowly look beside me to ask Scott what was the noise but he's not there.

I look in front of me and see Scott cooking, the smell hits me like a slap on the face and it smells amazing.

I push the blankets off of me and get up and walk over in the kitchen, I see three pans on the stove with three different types of food, eggs, bacon and pancakes.

Scott puts the wooden spoon down and turns around to face me, his hair is messy, his smile shows how his teeth are so white.

"Morning, Flower"

"Good morning" I say back.

I stare at the food because for number one, I am starving and number two...I am starving.

Scott chuckles and gives me a plate, I get a little bit of everything, I run to the table and pig out, I must look like a idiot shoving so much food into my mouth. 'Why?' you must ask, well, because Scott is starring at me with his eyebrows risen and a smirk on his face.

"Let me get this straight, first it was the bed, then my own dog, and now my food, are you positive there is no one else?" He jokes.

I smile at his joke, but I still continue to eat.

He chuckles and starts to eat his food.

After five minutes I finished my food and so did Scott, I get up to wash my dish but Scott rushes over to me and takes it away from my hands, "What do you think you're doing?" Scott asks.

"Washing my plate?" I ask confused.

He shakes his head, "No, just because you're living with me doesn't mean you have to do everything, I cooked meaning I wash the plates, it's a rule."

Living with him?

I'm living with Scott Peretti?

I nod my head in agreement.

I turn around to pick up the forks but feel a set of hands on my waist from behind. His hands are so warm, his body pressed against my back makes me feel safe.

He kisses my cheek and it sends chills down my spine but also makes me warm.

"I have a surprise for you." Scott whispers in my ear.

I turn around to face him and see him have the biggest smile. "You know I hate surprises."

"I know, I know but you'll love this one."

He takes my hand and calls Hayden to come with us. All three of us walk out the door and see a man standing outside.

Hayden stands in front of us and starts barking. The man backs up a little.

"It's okay boy." Scott talks to Hayden.

"May I help you sir?" Scott stands in front of me for some reason.

The man looks at me and doesn't stop.

"My name is Dustin Gray Skye, and I think I'm lost."

Scott looks at me with his mouth dropped open. I take a step forward and see his green eyes, like mine.

How did he end up here? How is this possible?

"Dad?" I ask.

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