Chapter Thirteen

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We left church after the service was over.

I'm looking out Scott's window because well, I guess you can say I actually need some Bethany time. But soon enough that fades away..


I see him walking to the front door, how did he know where to find me?

Oh crap, I told him next Saturday last week, and I forgot about it.

I hear the doorbell and so does Scott. I hear from downstairs the door unlock and open.

I might as well as go down and get it over with.

I get off my bed and walk down stairs, I walk in the living room to see Ryan is leaning against the wall

"I hope you're comfortable, that's where you're staying." I snark at him.

He smirks at me, "Hello Bethany, good to see you again."

I sit down on the couch next to Scott, he immediately wraps his arms around me and smiles at Ryan giving him the look "you see this fish? This is my fish, don't touch my fish!"

And then he decides to make it more sweet by kissing the side of my head, I just shake my head and smile.

Ryan is cute, he has brown hair with yellow highlights in it, he has a muscular body, his muscles pop out of his black shirt he is wearing, so don't get me wrong, he's not bad to look at, but I already have my man and he's sitting next to me.

Scott is the first one to break the silence, "So, Ryan? I don't think Bethany can have a session today, with everything that happened, she doesn't need to talk to anyone, at least not right now."

I look at Scott to see his perfect jawline, I look back at Ryan and he doesn't look mad but he doesn't look happy either.

Ryan clears his throat, "I have to do this, her mother is paying me good money and she'll be ups-"

"My mom is dead" I interrupt him.

I shoot my eyes at him, he looks at me with confusion and sadness, I can tell he wants to ask what happened but he doesn't want to push it.

"Suicide." I clarify.

He looks at me with more confusion, "Bethany, she wouldn't never commit suicide, that doesn't make sense-"

Before he can finish I interrupt him..again

"Well, she did, I saw it myself."

Scott stands up to his feet, and opens the door for Ryan to leave.
Ryan takes this by surprise but he packs his things and walks out, Scott shuts the door and breathes in heavily.

He looks at me to see if I'm okay but hey, listen up girls, we all have our little rant so enjoy mine.

I start screaming, slamming my feet on the ground, using my hands to grip on my hair as if I was going to pull it out, I walk up to the wall and start punching my fists into it, no matter how much it hurts, it feels right.

Scott runs to me and wraps me in his arms, I fall to the ground along with him still holding me, he strokes my hair and sways me.

"Lady Madonna?" Scott asks.

I nod my head, and he starts singing The Beatles for me.

I don't know why people don't like Ringo, so what he's a drummer? I still love his voice.

Scott's singing calms me, soothes me, relaxes me, everything in the book you name it.

He stops, he stands up and walks into the kitchen.

I watch him to see what he's doing, he grabs a cake?

He walks to me and sits down with the cake in front of me, he smiles at me, "Happy birthday, Flower."

"Wait, what?" I ask

I had forgotten it was my birthday, my seventeenth birthday.

I shake my head and smile, "I can't believe you remembered."

"I can't believe you forgot." He chuckles.

I laugh, he leans in making sure he doesn't mess up the cake, and kisses my cheek.

I cannot believe he remembered, there is no words to describe how special I feel right now.

At least I get to eat.

He hands me a knife and a fork with a plate and napkin.

I drop the knife and plate and the napkin and just eat the cake with my fork.

I start shoving pieces into my mouth, I love cake.

Scott sits there watching me, "I gave you a napkin for a reason you know."

"Never heard of it." I say with my mouth stuffed.

He chuckles and uses the knife and cuts him a small piece of my cake. But he did buy it so I guess I can't be too territorial.

I keep digging in my cake with my fork, my mouth is covered with frosting but it's fine.

Scott looks at me and laughs, "You look like a rabbit."

I probably do.

"Yeah, well, you look like a Scott." I try to insult but I can tell it wasn't the best.

He raises his eyebrows and smirks. He continues to eat his last piece.

"Can I have another piece of cake, Flower?" He asks.

"What cake?" I ask with my mouth still stuffed.

He looks down at the cake, to see there is no more cake. He looks up at me with his mouth dropped open.

I smile at him with innocence but I think my innocence is found guilty when I smiled because my mouth is still full with cake.

Someone rings the doorbell, I look to Scott and I can see his jawline tensing up. He hands me a napkin and then walks off to the door.

I wipe off the frosting and stand up and walk over to him.

He opens the door, the person who is standing out there is a police officer.

The officer looks at me confused, "Um, Mrs. Skye? Did I interrupt something because there is white substance around your mouth.."

I look at Scott because I have no idea what he means, I see Scott's face light up and he begins laughing, "No, no officer. It's her birthday and she just finished her cake, I handed her a napkin but can see she didn't use it too well."

The officer chuckles. "Oh okay, so are you Bethany Skye?"

I don't understand what they are laughing at but I nod my head and I listen to whatever he's about to say, I try to cool my heartbeat but it's just pounding against my chest, I wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't hear what the police officer was saying.

"We have investigated your mother's suicide.." he trails off... "It turns out that it was not a suicide, there was finger prints on the rope other than your mother's, and on her neck, whoever did this, wanted it to look like it was a suicide, your mother was murdered."

Rage fills my soul now.

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