Chapter Twenty Three

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When Ryan dropped me off River came running outside and hugged me. He hugged me so tight, his warm embrace made me feel safe kind of like Scott's did but this time it was different, it felt..right, all though I wanted to forget Scott, my mom, my dad, everything, it all went away as I closed my eyes.

"I missed you." River sighs while we hear Ryan driving off.

His hands travel down my arms making my hairs stand up on the back of my neck. "I can tell." I laugh looking into his eyes as he stares in mine. He moves his head a little closer still continuously looking in my eyes. I realize what he's about to be doing and my first instinct is to push him away.

"I'm sorry." I apologize but came out more as a whisper.

He groans, "I am terribly sorry. I should have known better, you just got out of something so horrible I should have known you might not be ready or at least take you out for dinner and done it the right way."

I felt bad, it was just a kiss, peck on the lips and then done but I was so scared to kiss River for some reason. "River, I'm sorry." I say

He cups my face with his hands, "No, no. Bethany, it's not your fault, I promise you."

He smiles trying to make me smile which let me tell you, it works. I smile and it just makes his smile even bigger, I probably look like a clown with those big and freaky smiles.

"How about we go inside and I'll make you dinner?" He asks holding his hand out

I nod my head. He walks inside with me behind him. I hear the door close causing me to jump and fall forward on top of River making me groan.

"I am so sorry River, I was being clumsy, are you okay?" I say while getting off of him

He laughs, "I'm okay kitten."

Kitten? I've always heard cute nicknames but when River says it, I just want to scream in happiness.

"Close your mouth, you might swallow some flies."

Without even realizing, I had no idea my mouth was dropped open. I shut my mouth, I can feel my cheeks heat up. I look to the floor to hide my blushing cheeks.

River notices and cups my face once again, "Don't hide from me."

The memory of the lake with Scott came rushing back, I tried to block it out but it just kept punching and kicking to get in.

I lean in closer to where I can feel his breath hitting my face, I'm about to kiss River, I can do this, I will make this moment magical. His lips are only a few inches away, until we hear his phone ring making River groan.

I sigh, "You should go answer that."

Maybe our kiss isn't meant to happen yet?

He gets up off the floor and walks to the sound of his phone and answers it just in time. "Hello?" He asks.

He chuckles, "No, you're fine, how can I help you?"

He nods his head and his smile fades away, his eyes grow dark and I can see his body tensing up. I worry, what has made him upset.

"Got it, thank you for telling me, okay, alright bye." He says in a rush.

He fast walks into the hallway disappearing into the corner entering a room. He comes back out with a suitcase and book bag.

He starts packing up his clothes, shoving them in the suitcase, "We gotta go."

I stand up looking at River, "What's going on?"

He throws me the car keys which i somehow catch but I stare at him questionably. "River? What was that call about?"

"No time, go start the car." He says while zipping up the suitcase.

"I'm gonna pack some food but Bethany, I need you to start the car for me." He says while walking to the kitchen and stuffing whatever kind of food he can get his hands on in his book bag.

I do as he says and run to the car and start it up. I walk to the passenger side and get in waiting for River to come out in a rush which he does. He puts everything in the back and then jogs in the car.

He puts the car in reverse and speeds off to the highway.

I buckle up and look at River, "What is going on and don't you dare try to avoid the question."

He grips on the stirring wheel tightly, "Scott escaped and the sheriff called me telling us to leave town, I had to get you out of there. I'm sorry I was being a jerk but you're safety comes first."

Scott has escaped from prison?

Please no...

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