Chapter Eighteen

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"Why don't we go on vacation?" Scott suggests, standing up from the couch.

I turn my head at him with my eyebrows raised, "Do you really think we could go on vacation at a time like this?"

Scott nods his head and sits back down, "Yeah, I know, I-I guess I just thought it would do some good."

I smile at him, It was nice of him to try to get us away from this but there is no leaving, problems are always behind us, in front of us and on our right and left wherever we go. I would love to go somewhere, anywhere with Scott but for now, I can't leave at least not yet.

"Beth, I think we should go, if they find any new information they'll call us."

I don't deserve a phone call, I deserve someone to tell me what is happening. Why does he want to leave so bad? Of all people he should understand I wouldn't want to leave in the first place.
It's been a few days since Ryan came over and ever since then...Scott has been acting a little strange. Let me rephrase that, a lot strange. He's always on the look out, he's been trying to leave, he hasn't been normal.

He's been lying to me about something and I can't take it anymore, I thought he would cool down by now but he hasn't.

"Scott, what is your deal? you're always wanting to leave, always have a eye out, what is going on? I know you're lying to me about something so you better unlock those horrible lies of yours and unlock the truths cause I'm tired of it."

Scott doesn't say anything, he stares at me, I look into his eyes with my own and for the first time in my entire time I've known Scott, I see no emotions in him..

"I can't say anything now, it's too early."

"What did you find out?" I ask.

He starts pacing back and forth while biting on his thumbs nail, shaking his head like he's trying to accept something, until he stops and faces me, "I think I know who killed her."

I stare at him, how could he know that?

"Who, Scott?" I ask

He stares at me with sorrowful eyes mixed in with guilt, "Me, it was me. I hated the way she treated you! I hated how she forced you into things, I hated how she made you cry, I hated how she made you feel miserable, I hated how horrible she was of a mother! I confronted her and confessed my plan to her, she tried to call nine-one-one but I grabbed the phone she was reaching for and slammed it against her head so she passed out. But then you had your accident, I thought you died, I needed to take my anger and sadness out. I went over to your house and found Jessica crying as she was about to head her way to the hospital, when I saw her my whole body tensed up and I knew it was her time. I punched her and dragged her by her hair to upstairs and made it look like it was a suicide."

Tears, streaming down my face. Anger, boiling in my body
Betrayal, I loved a murderer
Assumption, knowing someone you think you know

He stood there, the way he said it, sounded like he cared but I couldn't let that thought run through my mind.

It's crazy, when tough times get tough, I always ran to Scott, but I can't, not this time. He's not the person who I thought he was.

"Flower, everything I did was for you, I thought you would be happy." He said sounding a little disappointed

I open my mouth but to have no words to speak, I stare at him once more and he's standing there.

I look into his eyes, trying to imagine him killing my mother but I could never even begin because of my anger and sadness mixing together.

"I trusted you! You were the only person I could run to! But now, you're a monster, a cold hearted monster! How could you do this to me!?" I yelled almost falling on my knees but caught myself.

I saw the door and the only thought that ran through my mind was to run, run away from the guy I've known since middle school, the guy I've lived since middle school, the guy who was my support throughout everything.

I looked around anything to throw at him so I could distract him while I ran. On the floor was a pair of scissors, why? Have no idea, I grabbed them and opened them and then aimed for Scott, I threw it at him.

Once I felt it leave my hands, I ran as fast as I could to the door, thankfully it was unlocked this time, I shut it behind me running for the woods. I saw a opening for me to get in, and I did, it was almost dark but as long as I'm fine from him, I'll be okay.

"I loved you.." I sobbed to myself as if I were talking to Scott.

I ran and ran more deep in the woods so it would be hard for him to find me. I don't know if he was chasing me but if he is, I have to hide somewhere. I saw a tree with thick branches that were reachable for me to climb.

I ran up to it, I attempted to jump but I couldn't grab it, I jumped a little higher and I felt it in my hands, I pushed myself up and once my feet were standing on the branch I kept climbing until I knew it was safe, I didn't want to go far up because I knew it take a while to get back down so I climbed two more branches and sat my butt on it.

I looked around for Scott but couldn't see him, it looked safe...for now.

I felt my body shift, I look at the branch I was sitting on and saw it was breaking. I tried to grab the branch above me, I felt my fingers brush off of it as I feel myself falling from the broken branch. I screamed as I held my hands out in front of me trying to protect my face.

Waiting for impact and I felt it but it wasn't the same impact, instead I was in someone's arms, I looked up to the man's face preparing myself for Scott's evil smile but instead I saw a gorgeous man's face.

His black hair and brown eyes and beautiful brown skin.

"I heard a scream and ran to see what it was and saw you on a branch about to fall."

"You have to help me, my boyfriend is a murderer, he killed my mother and I need to call the me." I beg.

His eyes are widen and he nods his head and runs with me in his arms still back to where you may ask? I don't know.

"Where are we going?" I ask looking up to reveal his jawline.

"I have a cabin here in the woods." He explains.

Not weird at all...I wonder what else I was going to get myself into...

I look in front of me and see his cabin he was talking about, he runs up to it and pushes it doorknob or anything. He lays me down on the silk like couch and dials nine-one-one.

"Hello, My name is River Haze and I found a girl in the middle of the woods who states that her boyfriend killed her mother."

River? I've never met a person with that name but it's been a mysterious year all around.

He looks at me, "Name please."

"Bethany Skye, and my boyfriend's well, ex boyfriend's name is Scott Peretti" I say.

He nods his head and goes back to the phone, "Her name is Bethany Skye and she says the man's name is Scott Peretti."

He nods his head, "Alright, thank you, I'll take car of her."

He hangs up and walks my way and sits down next to me.

"I won't let him touch you. Get some rest, you look tired."

"Okay, just please don't hurt me." I plead.

I obey him and push my body backwards as I feel the pillow and my eyes instantly begin to drop.

Behind The Echoes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें