Chapter Twelve

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I wake up to something pushing against me, I open my eyes and see Scott who smiles.

I squint at him for even thinking about waking me up, I huff and roll over but something caught me, that was Scott's arm. I shoot my eyes at him and see the biggest smile ever.

"It's Sunday, I thought you would like to go to church with me."

I make a disgust face at him, still angry for waking me up, "How dare you wake me up, I will make sure you suffer for what you have done."

He laughs and yanks the blankets off of me, taking this by surprise I push my body to at least get my half top up to retrieve my blanket.

Scott throws to the other side and smiles, "I know you're too lazy to even get up and get your blanket."

I pout and point to it, making him go get it but he doesn't budge, I huff loud and point to it again, looking at him.

"Come on, get ready." He says as he walks out the door.

That was just cold...

I sigh and get up, when my feet hit the floor I feel Scott's soft carpet, I smile down at my feet for no reason.

I stand up and stretch like a cat. I'm serious, I literally stretch like a cat, I get down on my hands and knees and push forward with my body, I then let my hands slide in front of me to a good distance where I can stretch my back.

I then push my butt in the air while my legs stand up, letting my legs stretch.

Cat lesson 101 now completed.

I walk over to the mirror, I grab my brush, I don't know how it got here but it is and I'm not questioning it, I brush my long, brown hair.

I look at myself in the mirror, all I see in myself now is my mother, my beautiful mother, I missed her so much. I never understood why she did what she did, especially since she is a good christian woman.

I don't think I'll be able to get answers but I can't say 'at least she's in a better place' because..I know she's not.

I put on a plain white dress with my hair braided, resting on the left of my shoulder.

I wear my white normal tennis shoes, I don't want to dress classy but I don't want to seem like I didn't try.

I sprayed my favorite vanilla sent perfume on me and walked out since there is no door there anymore. Then the memory hit me from last night, my dad, his story, his death story, his truths.

I shake my head trying to get rid of the thoughts, and they do once I see Scott wearing a blue shirt, and blue dark jeans, he looks so handsome, his jawline is perfect in the sunlight, his hair is going up and looks so cute.

I watch as he drinks his water, and then his eyes rest on me, they don't go anywhere, he eyes my dress. He scans me with his eyes going down and then coming back up, smirking.

He walks over to me putting his hands on my hips, sending electricity down my body. Okay, maybe not real electricity but it feels like it.

"You look beautiful." He says.

I smile looking up at him, "Thank you, you look handsome with your hair standing up like that." I point out.

He grabs his car keys and opens the front door, "My lady"

I walk out smiling waiting for him to follow me, he closes the door and locks it.

He points the keys to the car and clinks a button making the car beep.

He jogs in front of me and opens the car door for me and smiles.

I get in and smile at him as he closes my door and fast walks to his side. He hops in and starts the car immediately, I don't know if we're late or if we don't want to be late.

After a few minutes we pulled into my church, I'm surprised Scott wanted to come to church, he's not against Christianity, but he's not with it either, if that makes sense.

He stops the car and looks at me and smiles. I get out and a few seconds later he gets out with me. We walk together side by side, I feel a little nervous because I know everyone has heard about my mother's suicide.

Scott notices my nervousness by looking at me fidgeting with my fingers and the bottom of my dress, he takes my hand and intertwines our fingers and holds onto my hand.

"It's gonna be okay, I'll be there with you the whole time." He smiles.

I nod my head as we walk up the stairs about to go in, we are a few minutes late so everyone is already situated and seated, once we open the door, everyone turns around and sees me, and suddenly everyone's eyes are filled with sadness, I knew this would happen but not like this.

I stand there frozen while everyone's eyes are fixed on me, Scott clears his throat and walks me to the first row where no one is sitting so they can't ask me questions.

I sit down next to Scott still holding his hand, but very tightly. I can still feel everyone's eyes on me.

The Pastor sees me and smiles, I smile back.

Everyone loved my mother, she was kind, she was generous, she was selfless, she was a beautiful person. Even though me and her didn't get along with the subject of Christianity but I still loved her very much.

Scott leads me to sit down in one of the 40 rows in this church. He picked the middle row which was perfectly okay with me.

I look over and see something I never thought I would see, my mother sitting next to me smiling and waiting for the pastor to preach, I begin to feel tears as I see her smiling like always.

He beautiful dress and hair up to a bun, her ear rings as pretty on her as the sky with no clouds.

She turns her head and looks at me, she puts her hand on top of mine and smiles.

She leans in and kisses my cheek, I feel more tears coming down one by one. Her soft lips on my cheek again, feels majestic.

She disappears into thin air. She's in Heaven though, I feel my body sinking into happiness.

Scott nudges me, "Bethany? Did you not hear me?"

I ask confused, "What do you mean?"

He points to the alter.

Already? I pull out my phone and its 11:48 AM, but how?

Just a few minutes ago, it was 10:15 AM.

I look at the alter, I've never gone to the alter before but I'm ready.

I get up by myself, I tell Scott I can do it by myself.

Everyone looks shocked to see me walking to the alter, trust me, I would be too.

I sit on the steps and just liked that I see the pastor walking towards me and he puts his hand on top of my head, and begins to pray.

"Lord, this is Bethany Skye, you already know that, Heavenly Father, I ask you to guide her, she is lost, give her comfort, teach her, show her, love her. Let her know you're there. Father, I ask you give her answers, she needs them, I ask you touch her heart and show her the God I know you are, Amen."

I stand up and turn around and the pastor hugs me.

He let's go and smiles at me, I smile back at him and go back to my seat, I sit down next to Scott again and he holds my hand and smiles at me.

In a long few weeks, I feel...okay.

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