Chapter Sixteen

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The water got a little cold so we decided to go back home.

I buckle my seat belt, still wet and and very cold, with no clothes except bra and underwear. I feel a warm sensation on my hand and I look over and see Scott's hand on top of mine which is helping me with the coldness.

"Are you cold?" He asks looking over but still keeping his eye on the road.

"No." I lie.

He nods his head and focuses back on the road, I wish I hadn't lied because I am cold but I didn't want him stop what he's doing for me.

He turns to the side of the road and puts the car on 'Park'

He faces me and smiles and then reaches for the back to grab a blanket.

He hands it to me and takes my hand kissing it, "Do not lie to me, Flower."

I nod my head and get this cozy blanket around me. I feel the car pull on the road again and we're on our way home.

Maybe a few minutes later he pulls into the driveway and turns off the car. He opens his car door and runs towards my side.

How many times has he done this? I hope he knows he doesn't have to, it's pretty easy to do it myself.

I smile at him as he opens the door for me and smiles while helping me out. I smile back and hold his hand, he intertwines our fingers and holds on tight. I love how he does that, he's never not romantic. Wherever I turn there is romance here and romance there and it makes me feel safe after everything that has happened.

He guides me to the front door and once he unlocks it, he let's me go in first. I walk in with Scott behind me, I smile when I see the couch waiting for me. I jump on the couch almost screeching and I get comfortable.

I hear Scott chuckling at my actions as he closes the door and locks it. I manage to turn my head at him with my eyes squinting, "This is no laughing matter, Scott."

"Okay, I'm sorry, tell me what is wrong?" He says with still a smile.

I put my ear on the couch pretending it's talking to me while nodding my head. I look at Scott, "She said that she needs another blanket because she's cold and a pillow because that's her best friend and the TV on because she doesn't want to be bored." I state with confidence.

He raises his eyebrows while grinning, "Are you sure that's for the couch? Sounds like that's all for you."

"It's for the couch." I say, "And me." I finish.

Scott nods his head and go searches for all the stuff I had instructed. I turn on the TV siting the channel to Spongebob Squarepants, I hear Scott coming back and I see that he has a fuzzy blanket and a pillow.

Scott stops in his tracks as he sees the TV on and smiles, "I thought you told me to turn on the TV?"

"I did, but I also told you she doesn't want to be bored, she got bored fast so I did it for her." I explain.

He shakes head slowing while smiling and hands me the blanket and pillow and I start to cuddle with the couch. I can feel Scott's eyes burning on me so I look at him.

"I thought I was the boyfriend here." He says without me asking why he was starring at me. I love how he gets somewhat jealous of the littlest things.

I bring the pillow and blanket and switch my body to my head laying on his lap. I feel him smile to himself as he begins to stroke my hair.

He leans down and before I can think what he's doing I feel his lips press against my head. I smile and blush, grateful that he can't see me. I focus on Spongebob and Patrick trying to catch jelly fish.

"Why are we watching this?" Scott asks.

I shoot my head up to face him with a disgusted look on my face, "It's Spongebob Squarepants, you know, the Sponge that lives under the sea in a pineapple!?"

He chuckles, "You're seventeen and you love Spongebob, such a child."

I stare at him for a couple of seconds and lay my head back down on his lap. I grab the remote that is on the other side of his lap, I reach for it and bring it to my side waiting for Spongebob to laugh.

Spongebob laughs and I pause it and go back to his laughing and I glare at Scott with a mean look and keep going back to Spongebob's laugh to annoy Scott.

He notices and gives me a mean look too, "Okay, okay, okay, you win just please stop."

I give him mercy and play it from Spongebob's laugh and I put the remote down watching Spongebob.

Scott laughs and kisses my head again.

"Get up for a sec." Scott says.

I instantly say, "Don't wanna."

But he pushes me up and for a second he lays down on the couch and slowly lays me down and we're face to face with each other. He leans in and kisses my lips softly and then cuddles with me.

His breathing turns into a routine and soon later, so does mine.

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