Chapter Fifteen

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"Does that mean he's your brother?" Scott asks.

I shrug my shoulders while shaking my head 'I don't know' kind of way.

Scott breathes in, "Okay well, how about we go back to the house and do some research?"

I nod my head and we walk out the room together, he opens the front door and I'm the first to walk out.

I open my side of the car door and get in buckle myself after I do that I close the door.

I look at my house, the one with memories, maybe not the best but still memories.

Scott pulls out of my driveway and we begin to drive back to his house.

I see a beautiful lake, the sun hovering behind it like it's playing hide and seek.

Scott pulls into the grass and turns off the car.

I look at Scott confused, "What are you doing?"

Scott reaches behind him, in the back seat and I never realized this but he grabs a huge picnic basket, towels, and a lantern.

He puts it all in his lap and smiles at me, "Hope you like night swimming."

He gets out of the car and puts the small things in the basket and walks over to my side after he shuts his car door.

I smile shyly and fidget with my fingers looking down at my lap.

That kinda would be bad if I was guy in class doing that.

Scott opens the door and holds his hand out waiting for me to take it.

I don't hesitate to hold his hand and he gently helps me out of the car. I close the door behind me and we walk side by side to the beautiful lake.

After my accident, I would have thought I would be terrified of water but after seeing that man, it feels like a safe place to me.

Once we're a few feet away from the water Scott puts everything down and grips on the bottom of his shirt and takes it off.

His top half reviling everything, his beautiful skin tone, his abs lining up.

After I scan his body I look at his face and see him smiling.

"Oh Lord, somebody pass me the Holy Water to cleanse the dirty thoughts..!" I screech.

I look away, fidgeting with my pant's button and my fingers the same time.

I hear him chuckle which only makes me blush of embarrassment. He walks to me and cups my face, making me look at his beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile.

"I know.." He trails off.. "if you want to kiss your gorgeous man you can." He finishes.

I punch his arm.

"Ow!" He yelps.

I laugh, "Cocky much?"

He smiles and takes my hand, "Beautiful much?"

That makes me look away so he won't see me blush.

He let's go of my hand and begins to unbutton his pants.

"What do you think you're doing!?" I screech.

He chuckles as he slides his pants off reviling his boxers, "I'm keeping my boxers on, what are else are we going to swim in?"

His boxers are grey, which makes his skin look more tan.

He looks at me like he's waiting for me. I look at him back until I realize what he means.

"Oh, right.."

I reach to take off my shoes but he grabs my hand, "If this makes you uncomfortable, please don't do this, you don't have to." He says.

I smile at him and make him let go of my hand song can hold on to it, "It's okay, I always feel comfortable around you."

He smiles as he looks relieved.

I let go of his hand and untie my shoes, I slid my shoes off and I realize my pants are next..

I look at Scott with my nerves racking up, he notices it and turns around, "Will this make you feel better?" He asks with his back faced me.

"Yes, thank you."

I unbutton my pants and slide them off, I leave my white underwear on, I reach for the bottom of my shirt and pull it over my head, leaving me with nothing but my bra and underwear.

"Hurry up and hug me before I change my mind." I say.

Scott turns around and walks over to me, I see him scanning me as he smiles and hugs me.

"Flower, you look beautiful." He says as he kisses my forehead.

I look around for people, but the coast looks clear but just to make sure.

"Free pieces of meat, right over here! Come get it before it runs cold!" I yell.

Scott covers my mouth with his hand, "Bethany, what are you doing!?"

"I didn't know if people were here" I say.

He raises his eyebrow, "So, you decide to yell for people to come this way when you are almost naked? You didn't think to ask me?"

He removes his hand from my mouth.

I nervously laugh, "Whoops, sorry."

He smiles, "It's okay, Flower."

He walks in front of me to the water, his feet and soon mine too touch the water, it's not cold, it's actually warm, which I am grateful for.

He walks into the water with me following behind him until the water is reaching our waist.

"Get in front of me." He instructs.

I do so.

I get in front of him so now his back his facing the shore and my back facing more water.

"Why did you want me to to get in front of you?"

Scott plays with the water with his fingers, "Because, if people were to stop by I would rather them see my back then see my girl's bra."

My heart begins to flutter when I hear those words

My girl

I feel water splash on my face. I yelp and look to Scott to see him..gone..

"Scott! Scott! Oh no, where are you!"

I begin putting my hands in the water where he was just a few seconds ago frantically trying to feel for his body.

I feel something grab my waist and my instincts kicked in.

I turned around and punched whoever took Scott but to see..that I punched Scott.

He puts his hand where I had punched him, "Dang, Flower, you got a punch in you, huh?"

I put my hands on his face, "Oh Scott, I am so sorry, I thought something happened to you so I got scared and I called for you and looked for you."

He picks me up and puts me in front of him again but I ignore it and continue to be sorry.

"Look." He points up.

I look up and see beautiful stars, I look around us and see it is black.

Scott picks me up and puts me on his lap, I lean my cheek to his and we begin to look at the stars.

"I love you."

I look at Scott and smile.

"I love you too."

Behind The Echoes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें