Chapter Twenty

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"What do you mean?" River asks.

I will confess, I'm scared, I'm nervous, I don't know what to expect but I don't think I'm alone anymore. River is here and it sounds like he's here to stay..hopefully

"Bethany?" River asks kicking me out of my trail of thought.

"River, are you going to stay or just go like everyone else I know? I just have to know."

He nods his head in response, "Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna stay."

"How about we go to church tonight? If the storm isn't that bad." He randomly suggests.

I shift my head to the side as a sign of confusion, "Its Wednesday though."

"Yep." He says popping the 'P'

"I don't understand, when does it start?" I ask.

He smiles, "Seven."

I look for the clock in here, I look in the first spot I think of which is above the fire place and yep there it is. And it's...6:48

I shoot my head back at River and see he's already smiling and with his keys jingling in his fingers, "You ready?"

I look at my clothes, I'm wearing normal blue skinny jeans with a plane gray shirt, I guess its not that bad but I've been wearing this since my birthday.

River notices my concern and he snorts?

"You're fine, I'm wearing a jacket and jeans, they won't care. They're really nice people."

He gets up from the couch (Hey mom!!! I know you're reading this) and walks to the door stopping at his tracks waiting for me to get up as well.

I stand to my feet, take a deep breath and walk slowly towards River. "Beth, you're going to be fine, love." He says before he walks out.

I hear faint rain, which is a good sign, I push the door open and see River walking to his car, it's nothing fancy but its nothing bad either, its a...I don't know, but it's nice.

I see him get in the car and start it waiting for me, I walk towards the car and get in, "So, uh, River how are you going to get out of these woods?" I ask.

He begins to drive the car to his backyard, he points in front us, "I have a path made." He smiles looking at me for a quick second and then focusing back on the path.

The car slowly shifts side to side and I begin to feel a little sick but I keep myself calm.

"Are we almost out of the woods yet?" I ask while holding my seat belt..very, very tightly.

I hear him chuckle. "Little bit longer."

I let off a growl which makes him laugh.

"I can't wait to get to know you." He says.

He wants go get to know me? Listen to me carefully, River WANTS to get to know me.

"Why?" I ask looking at River

He turns his head to me and then back to the path and smiles at me, "We've both had a pretty rough life, I think we can help each other, I think what has happened to us can help us understand each other. I know we can be friends."

I see the road which I am mostly thankful for. He turns the wheel to the left and i already recognize where we are, church is about ten minutes away now.

I look at the window and see a man pushing his son on the swing while the little boy is laughing.

"Cute huh?" River asks.

I look to River and see him smiling at the view of the boy and the father and then he turns his head back to the road still smiling to himself.

"Yeah, it's a happy sight." I say.

A few minutes later after me starring out the window and stalking people, River pulls into the church and the first thing I notice is a lot of cars meaning lots of people.

"Haven't you been here before?" River asks turning off the car.

I nod, "Yes but..they know about my mother and now they probably know about Scott too."

River covers my hand with his like a warm blanket and forms his face into a smile, "I'll be beside you the whole time, if they ask you something which they shouldn't but if they do and you know you cannot answer it just look at me and I'll answer for you or tell them its not necessary."

I smile at him, "Thank you so much."

He nods and gets out of the car, I open my door and get out as well. River walks around the car and walks to me smiling.

"Does that smile of yours ever fade away?" I laugh

He looks at me and smiles and after a few seconds his smile gets bigger and bigger until he purposely makes it bigger to make it creepy.

"Okay, you can stop now." I say

We walk up to the double doors and see people talking inside and hugging each other.

We walk in and almost everyone sees me and their eyes immediately turn into sorrow. River clears his throat and he takes my hand and leads me to the pews.

He sits me down on the first row and sits down next to me.

Here we go..

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