Chapter Seven

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After a few hours or so they said I could go but I had to lay low just to make sure.

Scott offered to drive me home, I look out the window with the trees passing by like the speed of light.

We're in a comfortable silence while he's rubbing against my arm up and down, sending shivers down my spine making me have goosebumps.

"Are you okay, Flower? You haven't said anything since we left the hospital."

I look out the window and see my neighborhood sign show up in big bold words.

"Flower?" Scott tries again.

"I'm okay, Scott."

He looks at me and raises one eyebrow and nods his head and focuses back at the road.

I'm just upset, I don't want to talk to my mom, I don't know how she couldn't want to see me, I don't understand. How could she not want to see her own daughter in the hospital?

"You can stay at my house if you need." Scott suggests, breaking me from my thoughts.

I shake my head no, "I need to work this out, I can't ignore her forever, after all she is still my mother."

"You do realize we're here?"

I look outside and notice he's right, I guess my thoughts were longer than I thought.

My house stays still as so does the wind, the trees sway with the wind, it's peaceful and satisfying. I feel Scott's eyes starring at me.

I'm about to reach for the handle and get out but I hear a clicking sound and the door is locked.

I turn to Scott and see he had locked it but I don't know why.

"Flower, there is something you should know." He sighs.

As he says this my heart then begins to start pounding against my chest. What does he have to tell me? Does he not like me anymore? Oh no, is he telling me he can't be with me because I'm crazy? Did I do something?

"As you were in the hospital, they pulled up your records and birth records, and the doctor saw your dads name and did a little research..."

Oh no

"And...?" I question him.

"And your dad is still alive." He announces.

I put my hands over my mouth and gasp. If he's still alive, why hasn't he seen me? Or tried to contact me? Why does no one want to see me?

Why is he just going to try to murder me and my mom and not come back? How could he not come back? What did we do to anger him? He couldn't hurt a fly, but somehow he could hurt his wife and his daughter? Doesn't add up.

"Where is he?" I ask.

Scott shrugs his shoulders, he doesn't know. How is this such a mystery? Why does my dad not want to be found? I get it, he is now a fugitive again but they are eventually find him and bring him to prison.

Scott unlocks the door, and gets out, I push the door open and get out as well. We walk up to the door together and I open the door, everything looks okay.

It doesn't smell good, I guess my mother hasn't cleaned or something.

"Looks like I have to clean up." I sigh as I see trash laying on the living room.

Scott looks around and has the same expression as I did when I saw this.

"No you don't, cause I'll do it, the doctor says you gotta take it easy."

I'm not letting him clean my own house.

I shake my head, "Scott, no, I can d-"

Before I can finish my sentence, I feel my weight being lifted as I hold onto Scott's shoulders, "I'm cleaning, end of discussion, you're laying in bed, it doesn't seem your mom is home yet so I'll be here until your mom gets back."

He walks up the stairs with me in his arms, my door is already open so he walks straight in without having to have any complications, he lays me on my soft bed that I have missed so much.

I start kissing it, "Oh, I've missed you so much."

Scott chuckles as he watches me kiss my bed, "I see I have a companion."

I stop and laugh, I get under the covers and start snuggling up to my pillow and close my eyes as I'm so happy to be home.

Scott stands there watching me being a complete fool of myself, "You have a house to clean, I'll be up here snuggling with my bed if you need me." I joke as I shoo him off.

He laughs and walks out the door, I keep snuggling with my pillow and blanket, I'm so comfortable.

I realized I should probably take a shower, so I get up even though I don't want to and hop into the shower.

After I wash my hair and my body and feel clean I get out and wrap my towel around me and start roaming my room. I look at my mirror and see myself, my green eyes looking up and down at myself, I have my dads nose, and my mother's thick and brown hair, my cheek bones are showing as always.

I get the brush and start brushing my hair, my hair doesn't want to cooperate so after a few minutes when I was still brushing my hair I decided to give up.

I hear the vacuum go off and it startles me but it wore off, I walk out of my room and see my mother's room across from me, hesitation sweeps my body as if it were a broom but with my stubborn self, I walk in anyway and my eyes start to roam the room. Her bed is made, carpet is clean, her blinds are out of the way so you can see the back yard, I decide to walk into her bathroom but half way I get there, I smell something...


I cautiously walk the rest of the way there and it gets worse. I pinch my nose so I can't smell it and it somewhat works.

I touch the door knob and slowly twist it and open the door.

I scream.

As I see a body hanging from the ceiling, with a rope around her neck, her eyes open starring at nothing, her face pale and her lips blue.

I cry and scream as I start backing away from my dead mother.

"Bethany!" Scott yells from downstairs which I can hear his heavy foot steps coming up the stairs to see what's happening.

As I hear him run into this room I can feel him starring at my mom. I fall to my knees and begin to sob.

Scott runs to me and picks me up as I'm sobbing, I start to hit him so he can let me go, I can't leave her there, I start to slow down because it's causing me to cry even more.

Scott rushes down stairs, he runs outside to his car and puts me in the passenger seat and runs to his side and gets in and speeds away.

He picks up his phone and calls 911, "Hello, yes? I'd like to report a suicide."
Please don't hate me!!!!

I'm sorry I couldn't update last Weekend, I was at my friends house and I never had the chance to update.

But here it is!!

Tell me what you think will happen!!

Have a good nigh/day guys and girls!! :)

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