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Prompt: "Nothing" by The Script.


Sometimes, Lee wondered if he was better off dead. Sometimes, he wondered if he should just give up. His friends told him that he was much better off now than when he was with her.

Being in car with his friends was the worst. They thought that they knew everything about what he was going through, although none of them had ever felt this way before. Carley was the love if his life, and she was out of his life now. And the kicker was, it was all his fault. But hell, he was still in love with her.

His friends were taking him to the bar with them, laughing and cracking jokes along the way. He smiled along with them, and even faked a laugh once in awhile. He didn't want to showcase to them that he was dying inside.

As they got out of the car and approached the bar, Lee tried like hell not to drag his feet. This feeling of loneliness was a feeling that he had never experienced. He never thought that a teacher that he once was could be reduced to the pathetic man that he was now.

His friends had tons him that a few drinks would help to forget her. So, believing them, Lee had one drink after another, and soon he was fully intoxicated. He had had one too many drinks. And he still couldn't forget her. He would never, and he knew it. His friends thought that he was insane. But to Lee, this was the right thing for him to do. He couldn't and wouldn't get over her.

Lee didn't know what he was doing anymore. He had left the bar, and only because he had seen Carley walk by. He called out her name, chased after her, but she wasn't there anymore.

His friends all around him, trying to calm him down. He knew that the people on the street probably thought that he was insane. But he was drunk, and he was seeing her all over the town. Wherever he looked, something reminded him of her, and then he would go crazy again. He had to find her. He had to change her mind about him. He could turn this around.

Later that night, Lee stared at his phone. Her number was typed in, and he didn't know what to do with it. He hit "call". It rung and rung, but she never did pick up. He sighed. Great. He thought that he could change her mind. And what did he get? Nothing at all.

The next day was even worse. He got shit faced again, and this time he was walking towards her house. He was alone, thank god. His friends would never allow him to do this.

Maybe he was face to face with Carley, she would come to her senses. She would see how much the break up had hurt him too. Maybe she would see that he knew that he had made a terrible mistake.

But what did he get this time? Sure, she had opened the door, but as soon as she saw that it was him, she slammed the door in his face.

He didn't know how long he was standing there, staring at the shut door. He contemplated knocking again, but he knew that if would never work. Ever. Then, his friends pulled up. How did they know he was here?

He got in the car without saying a word. They were asking him what he was doing, but he didn't answer them. He knew that they knew that he was shit faced yet again, and that he though that he could get Carley back.

He zoned them all out. He didn't care what they had to say. He couldn't care. He couldn't stop thinking about Carley. He couldn't stop thinking about the multiple times that he tried to win her back.

He couldn't stop thinking about all of the times that he had gotten nothing. He wanted words, forgiveness, but he knew that it would never happen.

All he got was nothing.

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