You Make Me Smile

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Prompt: Between Clem and Carley, Lee can't stop smiling. Everyone marvels at how strange this is.


Kenny squinted as he looked at Lee, just to make sure he was actually seeing right. Lee couldn't be smiling again, could he? He watched as both Carley and Clementine approached him, making the smile on his face even wider. This was abnormal. Kenny had never seen Lee smile this much. It was crazy.

"Can you see this, Kat? I think this is a new record." Kenny said, turning to his wife.

"The man is happy. Let him be." Katjaa answered, shrugging. She obviously didn't see just how peculiar this whole thing was.

Kenny just simply shrugged in response, deciding to let it go for the time being, despite the fact that Lee hardly smiled, unless he was around his two girls.

"Wow, he's happier than a fat kid in the snack aisle." Larry, who was also watching, commented. He was also thinking about how strange this was. How the hell could he be smiling so much in shitty times like these? He must be crazy. Then again, Larry assumed that everything Lee did was strange and had some wacky reasoning behind it.

"Dad." Lilly said, rolling her eyes. Sure, she thought this was weird too, but did her dad really have to say that? Sometimes, she swore he had no filter, and he didn't even think before he spoke.

"Hey baby." Everyone heard Carley greet. She leaned up and kissed Lee, pulling away just as Clementine fell into Lee's arms for a hug. He smiled yet again, pulling the little girl close and looking up at Carley.

"He needs help." Kenny said. "You got any medicine for him, hon?"

Katjaa waved him off, not understanding his humor in the least bit. Hadn't he ever seen a happy person before?

Suddenly, Lee turned towards the nosy group of people that were watching him. "What are you all looking at? What, are you jealous that I have these amazing girls in my life and that I'm loved by them? It's fine, you can admit it." Lee was smiling again.

Nobody answered and instead they all turned away, and every single one of their cheeks were crimson red from blushing

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