Bad Date

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Hello again peeps! I'm going out in a bit(yep, you hear me, I'm getting away from fanfiction for a few hours), so I decided to update now!

Prompt: Carley and Lee have a bad date. Modern AU. Humorous. Luke and Nick are both from season 2.


It was going to be great. Lee was positive of it. He was taking Carley to dinner at a really fancy place, something he never did before. He knew that girls dug fancy places. He smiled to himself as he looked in the mirror. He was all dressed up nice, something he knew that Carley would also dig.

He shot a quick text to Carley.

You ready, beautiful?

She took about a minute and a half to reply.

Of course. Pick me up when you want. ;)

Lee smiled at his reflection again. Then, he sprayed on some cologne. He grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

His car took a little bit to start, but it worked. That was all that he needed. He drove up to Carley's house, where she was waiting on her porch. She was wearing a simple dress and flats, but she looked beautiful nonetheless.

"Hey, pretty woman, mind if I pick you up?" He joked as she climbed into the car. She sat in the passenger seat.

"Of course, handsome man." She said, smirking and giggling.

"You know where we're going?" He asked.

"No. Why can't you just tell me?" She begged. They'd had this date planned for a bit now, and he wouldn't even tell her where they were going. She was dying to know.

"You'll see, we're almost there." Lee turned on the radio and Carley sighed.


"Well, isn't this a nice date?" Carley said sarcastically looking out the rain drenched car window. They pulled over on the side if the road. Their car had broken down. It was pouring rain. What Lee had thought would be a perfect night was becoming a complete nightmare. He was trying everything to get the car started, but nothing was working. Nothing at all.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Lee tried.

"It's fine." Carley sighed. "We need to call help."

Suddenly, a car pulled up beside Lee and Carley. Two men stepped out. They were both dark haired, and one was wearing a hat.

"Luke, make this quick. You know my Uncle. He's not gonna wait for us. Plus, it's pouring." The guy with the hat told the other man.

"Shut up, Nick. There are people stuck on the side of the road. They obviously need help." The other guy, who was apparently named Luke, said.

"Listen to you, Mr. Goody goody."

Lee got out of the car.

"Are you two okay? Do you need help?" Luke asked Lee, turning to face him.

"We're all good." Lee said. "Thanks though."

"See Luke? They didn't need anything." Nick said.

"Please ignore my friend. He can be an asshole." Luke told Lee.

Lee laughed.

"You sure you don't need any help?" Luke asked again.

"I'm positive. Thanks though, man." Lee said, smiling at the man.

"Sure." Luke said. "Come on princess, let's get to your uncle's."

Nick turned to Lee. "Sorry if I was being an ass man, my uncle is stubborn. He doesn't like us to come to his dinners late." They both got in the car, now drenched.

"It's fine." Lee called out, waving as the men drove off. He laughed. At left somebody was going to actually get to dinner. He got back into the car with Carley.

"What did they want?" Carley asked, referring to the men.

"They wanted to help us. But I told them that we were fine." Lee told her.

"Are we?" Carley asked.

Lee pulled out his phone and checked the time. "Not really. We missed our dinner reservations. I was going to take you to that super new fancy place. You know what I'm talking about?"

"Yeah." Carley sighed.

"I'm sorry, baby." He leaned over and kissed her. "I love you."

Carley laughed and kissed him back. "You're lucky I love you too. I don't care where we go, as long as we're together."

Lee smiled. "Same here. Now I'm going to call for help."

"Sounds great."

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