My Life Would Suck Without You

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Prompt: "My Life Would Suck Without You" by Kelly Clarkson.


Carley stared at the man at her door in disbelief. It wasn't him, it couldn't be. Why was he back? They had broken up a bit ago, because they had gotten into a huge fight. Not that fights weren't common. They were.

"I'm sorry." Lee told her. She knew it. Every time that they had fought, Lee had always been back to apologize. Then they would get into another fight eventually, and the vicious cycle would repeat itself.

Every time that he would leave, he'd claim that he'd never come back to her. Ever. He always told her how she couldn't give what he wanted, and he wanted someone else. But every time, he would be back at her door, just like now.

Despite all of the bumps in the road, Carley knew deep down that she and Carley were made for each other. They were born to get together. She knew it.

Every time that they would fight, he would claim that she was the one with the issues. She knew that she was probably wrong for telling him to get the fuck out of her house. She knew it was probably wrong to instigate and pick a fight. She knew she had many flaws, but Lee was in no position to talk. He was just as messed up as she was.

But she still convinced herself that she and Lee were meant to be. Why would he keep coming back? Why would she keep letting him in?

Being with Lee was pretty damn dysfunctional. But for some reason, every time that he left, she wouldn't stop thinking about him. She wanted to let him go, but she just couldn't. No matter how hard she tried.

Most people would've given up by now and just assumed that they weren't meant to be. But Carley was the opposite.

She hated to admit it, but every time Lee left, her life would drag and feel useless. She would feel useless without him, like she needed him to function. She would sit on the couch all alone and sigh, thinking about him. She hated that she loved him. He was an asshole and she was a bitch, and they just came together. One couldn't function with the other.

If she was being honest, her life just sucked without him.

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