I Would Do Anything For You

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Prompt: "I would Do Anything For You" by Foster The People.


Sometimes Lee didn't know what the hell he was doing. He would see the fights play out between Kenny and Lilly, but he didn't want to get in the way of them. It wasn't that he was afraid, he just didn't want to be a part of the whole power struggle. He thought that he had everything under control, but things fell apart everyday and chaos could erupt at any second.

He wanted to tell the group about his past, but he didn't how he'd be able to explain it. He knew that a majority of the group would think that he was a cold blooded killer and would want to stay away from him. They'd probably have a vote and he would be kicked out. He wanted to be able to defend what he did. He just didn't know how.

Carley knew though. She didn't care as much as he would've thought, which was a good thing. She gave him the advice that he should tell the people in the group, starting with the ones that he trusted most. As she told him the plan, he listened thoroughly, taking in every word. He realized that she was right. Then she kissed him, and he didn't know what to make of that.

That's when he realized what she meant to him. Without her, he wouldn't have been able to reveal his past. He wouldn't be able to convince himself that it was right, and the group would from another source, namely Lilly and Larry. He didn't want that, because they would probably twist the story in some way.

As he lay in bed after telling everyone, he made a sudden realization about himself. He told her that he had revealed his secret, and she seemed pretty satisfied. He had to admit, he was too. People didn't lash out like he had thought they would, once he explained his actions.

Thats when he climes into his bed and made his realization.

He was in love with Carley.

He knew it was crazy, and he knew it wasn't supposed to happen. The world had ended. But he couldn't help himself or seem to calm himself down when he thought of her. She was stuck in his mind, like damn tattoo.

No matter how happy he was, every day was a battle. This whole thing was an endless war, and he didn't know if he'd get out of it in one piece. This life that he was living was not right, every second was torture. He'd considered giving up, saying no, but she wouldn't let him.

He loved hearing her talk to him. He was a great listener. Every time that she talked, he always had this big smile on his face. Her voice was like sweet music to his ears, and he wanted nothing more than to hear it forever.

He'd been in love before, but what he felt for Carley was all new to him. It was better, sweeter, and all he could've wanted. He knew that she knew his feelings, he didn't even have to mention anything. He hoped that she felt the same way, but somehow he had the suspicion that she did.

He would give up everything for her, he just hoped that she would do the same for him. The only thing that he was positive about was that he had fallen in love and that there was nothing he could do about it.

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