The Nurse and The Soldier

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Prompt: Lee has an injury and Carley helps care for him. Just pretend that Katjaa doesn't know how to do that stuff, bc creative liberties lmao.


All eyes turned towards Lee as he walked back into the motor Inn, grabbing his arm in pain. The first one to rush over was Clementine. "Are you okay?" She asked Lee, clearly worried.

"I'm fine, honey. I just had a little accident is all." Lee told her, and everyone else came rushing up to him to see what happened. He had a large gash going down his arm, it looked really bad. Carley pushed past everyone to see what was wrong. Lee had went on a supply run, but it was clear that he had gotten in some trouble along the way.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Carley asked, about as nervous as Clementine was. It was bad.

"It's just a scratch, okay?" He tried, but Carley pulled him away. "Move!" She shouted at everyone as she pushed past them. She made Lee sit on a chair as she dug through the medical supplies, pulling out what she needed.

Carley immediately got to work. Nobody bothered her, and she was glad for that. She didn't need a ton of people crowding around to see her help Lee out, she could do fine on her own.

"You didn't need to be this worried." Lee told her, not looking at his own arm as she worked on it.

"I am. Now brace yourself." She told him, pouring some antiseptic on the gash. He winced as she did so, and she felt bad for him."It's okay." She assured, but even she didn't believe it.

She wrapped a bandage around the gash tightly so that he wouldn't bleed anymore. She made sure it was on security and looked up at him. "We'll need to check that every once in awhile." She told him, and he nodded.

"Thanks." He told her, smiling slightly. "Even thought that antiseptic hurt like hell. It was like my arm was on fire."

"I'm sorry." She said. She down and kissed the bandaged arm, giggling as she did so. "It feel any better now?" She asked, fibbing him a devilish grin.

He smiled despite the pain. "Yeah. Definitely. I owe you big time."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do. You patched me up, it could've gotten infected and I could've died."

"Yeah, but you don't owe me. Plus, you saved me before."

"Doesn't matter. I still owe you."

"You don't."

"I do."

"I'm not fighting with you all day."

"You're not." He said, and as she was about to say something, he smashed his lips up against hers. After they broke off, she caught her breath before saying "Well, if you owed me before, you don't anymore."

"How we doin'?" Kenny asked, walking over.

"Yeah! Is Lee okay?" Clementine asked. Lee straightened himself up and Carley pretended that she was picking up the supplies.

"I'm fine, sweet pea." Lee assured. The girl ran up to him and he pulled her in for a hug, or the best he could do with his arm.

Carley decided to give them some privacy now and shot Lee a devilish look before walking back up the balcony that led to her room.

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