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Sorry this is so short, my bro and I have been babysitting three wild kids and a baby for a bit(a long tone actually), and I felt the need to write something. The kids wanted to watch me play the TellTale, and we let them. Not the best idea...

And as for the Christa and Omid Drabble collection someone was suggesting, I might just do that. ;)

As for the High school AU, I'm working on it. I'll hopefully have it up this weekend.

Prompt: Clem catches Lee and Carley having a moment.

"I love you." Lee said, breathless. He pinned Carley against the wall.

"Somebody's anxious to see me." Carley said, laughing as Lee's lips crashed onto her own.

Lee had been waiting to get Carley alone all day, and he finally had his chance. Now, he could do whatever he wanted to her. Whatever he wanted to...

"I have a feeling I'm not the only one who's anxious." Lee said, feeling Carley's lips move onto his neck.

"You're not..." Carley whispered seductively, beginning to unbutton his shirt...


Lee pulled away from Carley quickly. He whipped around to see none other than Clementine.

"Oh god..." Lee said. This whole thing looked wrong. All of it. Carley pinned to the wall, his shirt half undone...

"What's going on?" Clementine asked.

"Nothing honey." Carley said, straightening her appearance.

"You need something, sweet pea?" Lee asked sweetly, buttoning his shirt as quickly as possible.

"I just wanted to know where you were, I was scared. Nobody knew where you were when I asked them."

"Oh, honey. I'm okay." Lee said.

"Why's Carley in here with you?" Clem asked.

Lee gulped and looked over at Carley, trying to think of an excuse. "We were just... Talking." He finally came up with.

"About what... Adult stuff?" Clem asked. Her parents had always told her they they were talking about "adult stuff" whenever they were alone and whispering in their room.

"Yeah. Adult stuff." Lee answered. Carley bit her lip to keep from laughing.

"Okay." Clementine hung her head, but popped it back up in a second. "I'll go tell the others that you are okay!" She ran out of the room.

"Phew." Lee said as soon as Clem was gone.

"That was close." Carley said.

"Too close." Lee said, pinning Carley back up against the wall. "Now where were we?"

"Are you fucking serious?"

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