Stuck With You

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lPrompt: "Stuck With You" by Huey Lewis and The News


Being with Carley was more fun than Lee had expected. Sure, it was the apocalypse, but being with her was a great thing. It was just the sweet change that he needed. He felt childish when he would sometimes sneak in her room late at night, but it was actually kind of fun for him. It was like being a teenager all over again. They almost always laughed when they were together, and Lee smiled a lot more around her.

Even if they did have tons of fun together, Lee and Carley had their ups and downs. They loved each other, but they also got into a few fights. Lee knew it was normal, all couples fought. But that didn't mean that he liked it. Neither did Carley. She hated fighting with him, he hated fighting with her. But it happened. And sometimes, things got really bad. Most of the fights were about Clementine and what was best for her. They sometimes had opposing views, and it never ended well. Lee didn't care who he was fighting with, he would do whatever was best for Clementine. But he felt bad after he would fight with Carley. They often wouldn't talk for a day or two and keep their distance. The rest of the group would notice, but they wouldn't bother them.

Their relationship was one rocky road for the both of them. And yet, amazingly, they were still together. They had thought about ended what they had, they had thought about others, but neither one of them could tell the other though. When they thought about it, it was like they were going to get rid of the best thing that had ever happened to them. They had really thought about breaking up, but it was much too late for that. They had been through too much together.

They were practically stuck with each other. But they were happy about it. Lee had wondered once or twice whether Carley was happy to be "stuck" with him, but the more he looked, and talked to her, and the more time he spent with her made him realize that she was just as happy as him.

They weren't happy to admit it, but they had their doubts about what they had. Was it really right? Should they really be doing something like this when there were walkers around? Should they just remain friends? They doubted that any of this would even work out. They never took these doubts seriously, though. They had problems, but that was the way it was supposed to be. Nothing was perfect, especially not their relationship.

Sometimes, Carley and lay in bed and think about just giving it all up. So did he. But they never did give up. They couldn't stay away from each other.

Sure, they haven't been together long. But if Lee thought back to any time during the apocalypse, he would end up with an image of himself and Carley.

No matter what they did and no matter how many obstacles they had to overcome along the way, they would always remain together. It was like they were opposite sides of a magnet, always attracting.

"I'm happy that we found each other." Carley told him, laying by his side late at night. Lee looked over to her and smiled.

"I'm happy too." Lee told her.

"It's almost like we're a married couple who's been together for so many years."

Lee chuckled. "I know."

"Well... Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me, Everett."

"Trust me when I say I'm not complaining."

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