They Don't Know About What We Doooooo

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Prompt: Lee and Carley don't tell the group about their relationship, but when they get a little close during dinner, everyone starts to suspect something.


"You seein' this?" Kenny asked, nudging his wife.

"What?" Katjaa asked, looking up.

"Lee and Carley." Kenny said, dropping his voice to a whisper. It was dinner time for the group, and everyone was gathered around, talking and eating food. Times like this were simple, but perfect. Everyone was enjoying it, and Lee and Carley were no exception. They were sitting extra close, chatting it up and laughing. Something was going on with them, Kenny was sure. You could tell just from the way they were looking at each other.

Katjaa studied them for a second, then looked back at her husband. "I always knew that he was fond of her." She said with a shrug.

"Well yeah. But I didn't know that he'd actually act on it. You think that they actually have somethin' goin' on?"

"Who knows. It's none of our business."

"What's going on over here?" Mark asked, approaching Kenny.

"Nothin'. Why?" Kenny asked.

"I just saw you two whispering." Mark said.

"We were talking about Lee and Carley." Kenny dropped his voice back down to a whisper.

"What about them?"

"We were just observin' how close they were gettin'."

"Well, she is practically sitting on his lap."

"Think they're datin'?"

"I know that they're dating. I heard them getting a little loud the other night, if you know what I mean."

Kenny laughed. "Wow."

"I'm not going to say anything though. I'm sure that there are some people who shouldn't know." He gestures towards where Lilly and Larry were standing.

"Oh yeah." Kenny said. They would raise hell for sure.

"I'm sure they'll tell us when they're ready."


"I think they know." Carley said later that night. She and Lee were sitting in her room, on the bed. She had seen the way that everyone was watching them and whispering during dinner.

"Probably. But so what if they do? I love you. It doesn't matter whether they know or not, because I'll love you no matter what." Lee told her, kissing her on the lips.

"I love you too. You think that we should make it official soon?"

"Like tell everybody? Maybe."

"I know that there are some people who wouldn't approve of us. But I don't care."

"Hopefully when we do tell them, most will be on our side."

"Well, whether they are or not, I love you. Remember that."

"I love you too. Always."

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