kiki do you love me

117 4 7

Prompt: Clementine asks Lee if he loves Carley.


"What's up, sweet pea?" Lee asked, looking down at Clementine. She was lightly pulling on his pant leg. Maybe this was something urgent. Lee pulled the little girl into his lap.

"I have a question." Clementine told him.

"Shoot." Lee told her.


"Yeah, like tell me." Lee said, smiling. Clementine giggled that innocent girly laugh that she had, which made his smile even wider. God she was just adorable.

"Oh okay. Well, uh..." Clementine started.

"What, honey?"

"Do you... Uh... Do you love Carley?"

Lee looked down at the ground. Little kids were really smart. It was amazing to Lee how they could pick up on little things like that and figure out things like that, because most adults couldn't even if they tried. Lee wanted to crack up. Clem could figure things out that he'd never be able to figure out just by watching somebody. That was why kids amazed him.

"Lee?" Clementine asked, bringing Lee back to earth. "You didn't answer my question."

"Oh! Um... Uh..."

"You don't have to answer it if it's like embarrassing or something. I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. It's just... I'm going to tell you a secret Clem and you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?"


"Well the truth is... Yes I do love Carley. And you can't tell anyone because some people wouldn't like that very much and wouldn't want Carley and I together."

"Like Lilly?" It was more of a statement than a question. And it couldn't be more true. Lee smiled.

"Yeah, Lilly. She would probably be the least happy to hear that."

"Why though? You should be able to love her if you want, it doesn't hurt anyone."

"It doesn't. But I just don't know how Lilly would react though."

"I'll keep the secret, I promise."

"Thanks, sweet pea."

Clementine nodded.

"And now, I have a question for you." Lee stated.

"Shoot." Clementine said, giggling. Lee chuckled as well.

"Where did that come from? Why did you ask me that question?"

"Well... I just saw the way you were looking at each other, and how you guys would always laugh and smile when you are together. It just seemed like you loved her a lot."

"I do."

Clementine giggled.

"What's so funny?" Lee asked the little girl.

"I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"About you and Carley. It's like she's a princess and you are a prince. Like in a movie."

"Yeah, just like in a movie. You're right."

Clementine smiled. "I'm gonna go color with Duck, is that okay?"

"Of course it's okay. Go have fun."

Lee watched as she ran out of sight. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Carley approach. She sat beside him.

"What were you two talking about? Seemed intense." Carley said, laughing.

"I'll explain later. I'm a prince and you're a princess." Lee told her.


"Just go with it."

"Okay. Hmm... Princess. I like that."

Lee laughed and looked around, just to make sure that nobody was paying attention. Nobody was. He leaned in to kiss her. "Of course you do." He told her, laughing.

YOU ARE THE LIGHT | CARLEENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ