So Caught Up

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Prompt: Lee gets so distracted at the sight of Carley doing something cute with Clem that when he tries to take a step backwards, he falls over and screams.


Lee watched them with a goofy smile on his face. He watched those two beautiful girls who made his entire life complete. Clementine was holding up a picture of something she drew, and she was asking Carley to guess what it was. He almost burst out laughing when he saw her struggling to guess.

She said one guess after another, and after each one Clem would reply "No!" Lee wanted to join them, but for now he just wanted to watch. He didn't want to ruin their moment together.

He was paying so much attention to them that when he tried to take a step backward, he accidentally tripped over a stray piece of chalk, and then he fell right into an empty lawn chair, knocking it over.

Involuntarily, Lee let out some sort of shriek, one that sounded very much like a teenage girl. "SHIT!" He shouted after that. He was in some severe pain right now. Maybe he wouldn't be able to walk.

All of a sudden, everyone was rushing over to him.

"Lee, are you okay?" Clementine asked, grabbing his hand and trying to pull him up. But it was no use. She was too small and not strong enough. Carley pulled him up instead.

"Oh my god, Lee? Are you okay?" Katjaa asked.

"Him? I heard Clementine screamin'." Kenny told his wife.

"That wasn't me. That was Lee!" Clementine said.

Kenny burst out laughing, but Clem didn't get it. Not at all. "That's hilarious. Lee wailin' like a girl. I can see it."

"You're gonna see my foot up your ass if you don't shut the fuck up." Lee told him.

"Two swears." Clementine said, pulling on his hand.

"Sorry sweet pea." He said.

"I guess you're okay?" Kenny said.

"My a... My butt hurts, but I think I'll be fine."


Everyone began to walk away.

"Wait..." Lee called out. Everyone whipped back around. "Who put this chalk over here?"

Duck quickly turned away, not meeting Lee's gaze. "It was Clementine." He said quietly.

"It was not!" Clementine said.

Duck went running just then, and a Kenny chased after his son.

Lee laughed. After everyone was gone, Carley walked up to Lee and gave him a kiss. "You sure you're okay?" She asked him.

"Yeah. That was all your fault, you know."


"You had me distracted. The only reason that I fell was because I was watching you and Clementine."

Carley chuckled. "Maybe next time, you should watch where you're going." She winked and leaned in for another kiss.

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