In Love With The Babysitter

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Prompt: Lee hires Carley as Clem's babysitter and falls for her. Modern AU.


As soon as the doorbell rang, Lee rushed over and pulled the door open. The girl standing on the other side was young and gorgeous.

This must be the babysitter, Lee thought to himself. He had been looking for a babysitter for his daughter Clementine for awhile now, and finally finding one had been like a miracle.

"Lee Everett?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.

"That's me. Are you the new babysitter?" Lee asked, smiling at the young woman. She was maybe a few years younger than himself.

"That would be me. Name's Carley." She stuck out her hand and they shook. Carley had been super excited when Lee called her and answered her babysitting ad in the paper. She had been needing some extra money recently, and she loved kids, so she knew that this was the job for her.

"Nice to meet you. My little girl has been dying to meet you." And it was true. Unlike most kids, Clementine really wanted to meet her new babysitter. Lee didn't blame the little girl. Carley's ad was made to grab a kid's attention, with promises that she would play games and do crafts and lots of other things that were very kid centric.

"Where is she?" Carley asked, stepping inside.

"Clementine! The babysitter is here!" Lee called out, and not two seconds later he heard little feet running towards where he was, signaling that Clementine was coming close.

"Hey honey!" Carley greeted as the little girl came into view, smiling.

"Hi." Clementine greeted quietly, and Lee was quite surprised. Clementine was generally shy around new people.

"Okay, well I'll leave you two be. Thanks again for doing this. It's just so hard to drag her around when I'm running a ton of errands. The emergency numbers are on the fridge, and if I don't get home by 9 put her to bed." Lee said, kissing his daughter goodbye.

"No problem." Carley smiled and Lee walked out the door. He smiled to himself. Thank god he found a babysitter.


He got home at around 8, earlier than he'd expected. The house was surprisingly quiet. He crept around, wondering if Carley had already put Clementine to bed.

He stopped by his daughter's doorway, peeking inside. She was there alright, and so was Carley. They were sitting nicely on the floor, playing with stuffed animals. Lee admired how much control Carley had over Clem, and how calm she was keeping her. It was just amazing to him.

"You need something? We're playing stuffed animals over here." Carley joked.

Lee stepped into the room and his daughter ran up to him for a hug. He pulled her in, squeezing her tightly.

"Hi daddy!" Clementine said as her father kissed her on the head.

"Hey honey. Are you having fun with Carley?" Lee asked.

"Yeah, she's awesome." Clementine said.

"Well, I'd better get going." Carley said, smiling and getting up. "Bye honey." She told Clementine.

"Bye!" Clementine called after her.

"Thanks again!" Lee told her.

Carley turned around and gently touched Lee's hand. Lee felt an electric shock go through his body. "Oh, don't worry about it." She said, smiling and exiting the room slowly.


Lee didn't know what the hell was going on or what was wrong with him. This couldn't be happening.

Each day that she babysat, the inevitable became more and more apparent.

He was falling for Carley. The damn babysitter.

He didn't what it was about her. Her smile? The way she was so good around Clementine? He didn't know exactly what it was, but it was consuming him inside and out.

So, one day after he got home and Carley said her goodbyes to Clementine, he stopped her.

"What?" She asked, cocking her head to the side, the same way that she did the day that they first met.

"I was wondering if... Listen. What you've been doing for me has been just amazing. I can't thank you enough. So, to do so, I've been wondering if I could take you out for a thank you dinner." Lee said, hoping that this would work.

"Are you asking me out?" She asked. Lee could tell she was starting to smirk.


"Well, yes. I will go to dinner with you. Just call me when you, you know, have more details and stuff." She winked at him and walked out the door.

Lee laughed to himself as he watched her leave.

He couldn't believe that he had landed a date with his daughter's babysitter.


"Is Carley going to be my new mommy?" Clem asked as Lee had tucked her in that same night.

Lee's eyes widened at the question. "We'll see honey, we'll see." It was the only answer that he could give her at the time.


IM GONNA BE MASS UPDATING BC I FOUND A BUNCH OF OLD DRABBLES IN MY DRAFTS!! I'm also getting some ideas for more, so this book is going to be updating a lot (;

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