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Prompt: AU-ish where everyone is at the St. John dinner table. Carley keeps teasing Lee and he can't take it.


Dinner. It was something that the group had been wishing for, for the longest time. Lee thought it was kind of funny how little things like food were once taken for granted, and now they were cherished.

Lee looked around the table. Everyone was here. The group was beginning to become like his family. Everyone was anxiously waiting and talking to each other. Lee looked to his right, where Clementine was sitting. On his left was Carley.

"Just a few more minutes!" Brenda St. John called out.

Duck sighed loudly. "I wanna eat!" He called out, causing laughter across the table.

"It'll be here soon." Katjaa told her son.

They sat for a few more minutes, wondering what was taking so long. Everyone was getting quite bored and even more hungry than before.

Thats when Lee felt Carley's hand on his leg. He had no idea what the hell was going on, and why she was doing this. Her hand went farther and farther up his leg. Farther and farther, until her hand was up by his crotch.

Lee gave her a glare. How could she be doing this? There were people all around. Carley just smirked in response. She knew that she was torturing him, and she seemed to be getting joy out of it.

"Dinner's ready!" Brenda finally called out, bringing out the food. Carley didn't move her hand. Lee moved her hand and got up.

"Um... Brenda? We're gonna go wash our hands." He glared over at Carley, who smirked and got up. She knew what he really wanted.

"You're gonna pay for that." Lee whispered to her through gritted teeth as they climbed up the stairs.

"I'm sure I will." She answered, giggling.

Back at the table, Kenny looked around for a second before asking aloud: "Am I the only one that saw his hard on?"

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