My Daughter Kinda Has A Hot Teacher

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Prompt: Carley is Clem's mom, and she falls for Clem's teacher, Mr. Everett. Modern AU.

By the way everyone, if you ever want to see one of these drabbles turned into a full story, just let me know and I'll see what I can do. :)


"Mom, you remember about my parent teacher, conference, right?" 8 year old Clementine said, running into the kitchen. Her mom, Carley, was in there and getting Clem's after school snack ready.

Carley sighed. Why was her daughter asking her this the minute she walked in the door? She had known about the conference for weeks. She didn't know why her daughter was so completely overjoyed about it though. Maybe she was just excited and nervous about what her teacher would say. It was normal, and also very cute.

"MOOOOM!" Clementine called out loudly. She sounded like she was starting to get annoyed with her mother.

"Honey, no need to scream. I'm right here." Carley told her daughter. "Go wash your hands and you can have your snack."

"You didn't answer my question!" Clementine said.

"Honey, yes. I do remember about the conference, I'm going to go." In Carley's mind, patent teacher conferences were unnecessary, unless the kid caused trouble or raised some concern. But Clementine wasn't one of those kids, Carley knew it. But to the teachers, it was only fair.

"Am I going to go with you, or are you going to leave me with Sandra?" Clementine e asked. Being a single mom was hard for Carley. Sometimes, there were places that she just couldn't take her daughter. Because of this, Carley had hired Sandra, who was teenage babysitter.

"I'll probably leave you with Sandra." Carley told her daughter.

"Okay!" Clementine said, running into the bathroom to wash up. Carley sighed and ran her hands through her hair, wishing for nothing but sleep. But as a single mother, the word was foreign to her.


"Sandra, you know where everything is, right?" Carley asked. She was rushing now. The conference was at 5:30, and it was 5:10. Considering they it took 25 minutes to get to the school...

"Yes, I do." Sandra answered.

"Good. Thanks so much for looking after Clementine. You have no idea how much it means to me."

"Anytime. Your little girl is the cutest."

"She is, isn't she?"

Clementine smiled and ran up to her mom, hugging her. "Bye mommy!" She said, squeezing her mother tightly. Her mother replied with a kiss on her daughter's head and a "Goodbye honey."

Then, she rushed out the door.


Carley looked up at the clock as she entered the classroom. 6 minutes late, it wasn't that bad. She surveyed the room. There wasn't a teacher as far as she could see, and this was the right room. The security guard had even guided her here.

"Hello?" She called out.

"Hello." A voice called back, and Carley watched as an African American man came into view.

"Um... Uh..." She attempted. The first thing they she noticed about him was that he was handsome. Really handsome.

"Are you looking for someone?" He asked.

"Just um... Are you Mr. Everett?" Carley asked the man.

"That would be me. Who's your child."


"Clementine? Wow, I have a lot to say about that girl." The teacher laughed and sat at his desk. "Sit down." He gestured to the chair that was placed across from him. Carley sat down, wondering if they was a good or bad thing. But her thoughts were quickly changed as soon as she noticed how handsome Mr. Everett was up close.

"So..." Carley started. At the moment, she wished she looked a little better. She shook the thought away. She was here to learn about her daughter's academic achievements.

"Clementine is a good girl. Really good. She does all of her work and listens to instructions. She also gets along well with other, she had a too of friends in this class. Everyone wants to be her partner. She also has the neatest handwriting in the class, which is impressive to me. Oh, and she..."

Carley zoned the man out and examined his face a little more. She looked around the room for pictures of a wife or kids, but didn't see any. She examined his finger for a ring, but didn't see one.

"Do you know what it is?" The teacher asked her, snapping her out of her trance.

"I was thinking about it, and I don't think I do." Carley lied.

"The lexile level is essentially a child's reading level, and your daughter's is the highest in the class."

"Wow. I'm proud of her."

"You should be. She's one of my best and favorite students."

Carley say for a moment. She knew they he would say that.

"You didn't need a conference. You can just go home now if you want."

She wanted to stay and talk. She wanted to learn more about Mr. Everett. But that would just be weird, wouldn't it? Carley didn't think so, but she thanked the teacher and went on her way anyway. All through the night, her thoughts were on the sexy Mr. Everett, hoping that there would be more parent teacher conferences in the future.

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