Puppy Love

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Prompt: 5 year old Lee has a crush on 5 year old Carley.


At first, he had thought that he was sick or something. He had never felt this weird before, and he had no idea what it was. All he knew was that every time that girl, Carley, would walk by him or sit near him, he'd feel weird. He'd get this butterfly sensation in his stomach, and then heat would rise into his cheeks. He knew something was up. Why was he only like that when she was around?

"Lee's got a girlfriend!" All of his friends would joke. Lee would roll his eyes and pretend that it wasn't true, but he'd still feel that heat run into his cheeks at any mention of her.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Lee would shout at him. In a way, he sort of wished that she was his girlfriend.

For some odd reason, he'd find himself playing with her extra silky hair at story time. She wouldn't mind, for a few minutes. Then, she'd turn around and tell him to stop. He would for a little bit and try to concentrate on the story that the teacher was reading. But he couldn't. His fingers would find her hair again, and the cycle would be repeated. Soon enough, the teacher would be the one telling him to stop. He would, but he couldn't seem to forget the way her hair felt.

"Lee's in looove!"

They was another famous joke from his friends. He didn't think that it was love, it couldn't be. Old people fell in love.

"I'm not! Stop!" Lee would say, and his friends would just laugh. They were all still in the phase where they believed that girls had cooties, but Lee certainly wasn't. He had once believed that himself, but Carley had changed him. For some odd reason, she made him believe that girls weren't disgusting after all. At least some of them weren't. Especially Carley.

He had swing next to her on the swings during recess today, which was a big thing for him. He hated swinging. He'd rather climb up the slides or play tag with his friends. But he was doing it to sit next to her. Again, his friends had made fun of him for doing this. Some friends.

He had wanted to sit with her and her friends, but he knew that he would hear it once again and wasn't up to that. So he just sat with his friends, and watched her from across the room, thinking that maybe love wasn't for old people after all.

YOU ARE THE LIGHT | CARLEEМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя