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Faye Dawson
"Oh come on its our last day here"
"No Shawn. This isn't a smart idea" I panicked as I gripped onto the side of the ice rink.
I was bundled up in one of Shawn's hoodies and a scarf and wobbling around on a pair of ice skates.
"It's easy when you get going" Shawn said already skating around the empty place. He came over to where I had one skate on the ice and one off, clinging to the railing for dear life.
"Take my hands" he said holding them out. I took one hand off the railing and he took both of my hands causing me to have to put my other foot on the ice.
Shawn held my hands tightly and my feet slid all over the place and I could barely keep my legs close together.
"I feel like fucking Bambi Shawn" I laughed clinging onto him and he threw his head back in laughter causing me to slip over and fall on my backside, not looking graceful at all.

I sat on the cold ice blowing my hair out of my red face, feeling the wet cold ice through my jeans. My legs were spread and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stand up again.
"You look like Bambi, just worse"
"You're a horrible being Shawn Mendes" I said gripping his hands again as he pulled me up to stand on my feet again.
"Just follow my lead ok? One foot infront of the other" Shawn instructed as I started moving my feet as he showed me to do.
I got the basic hang of it and started to skate on my own, watching Shawn glide across the ice from across the rink.
He looked at home. At ease.

After another hour of skating and messing around Shawn took me back to the little diner and we had lunch.
"You looked very at home on the ice" I said whilst eating my food.
"I love it. All of it. I mean, it is home really" Shawn shrugged.
"Why don't you stay here then?" I asked harmlessly and Shawn choked on his food.
"What? I couldn't leave you"
"You could. Shawn, this is your home, I can see how happy you are here so why don't you stay?"
"Because I wouldn't be happy without you. I couldn't do it without you" Shawn said taking one of my hands in his.
"It would be hard. The whole long distance thing. Shawn. Stay here over the rest of the summer"
"But what if I stay, I won't want to come back" Shawn said and the reality of what he said hit me harder than I thought. I tried to nod back the tears but I had to accept the fact that he could want to stay here
"Shawn. I love you. I really do. But I can see you're happy here so why not stay here? Make a fresh start" I said gripping his hand purely to stop mine from shaking.
"It's a possibility. It really is"
"Well, how about you come back here at the end of the summer and I'm thinking of doing a gap year, you can live here. It'll be fine. We'll just see how it goes" I suggested and Shawn sighed but nodded.
"I like that idea. But first we have your Moms wedding in like two weeks" Shawn said and I nodded.
"She's bought me a dress." I said showing Shawn the picture of the navy blue dress.
"You'll look beautiful in it obviously" he smiled as his phone began to ring.

"Hello?...no we're already eating...we'll be there later tonight...ok bye" Shawn sighed putting the phone down again. "That was Dad he said that we should come round tonight for an hour or so to say goodbye."
I grumbled a bit under my breath. I didn't want to face Shawn's Mum after I walked out the other day.
"I know what you're thinking but please don't worry. I'm going to be there and I promise you Faye that I will stand up for you against her. Anything bad she has to say I will defend you. I promise" Shawn said putting his hand over mine. He twisted my ring in his fingers and a shiver went down my spine. "Are you cold?"

"No. I just, This is going to sound weird and crazy I know but I can picture you being in my life till the day I die. I honestly can" I blushed telling him the absolute truth.
"That's why I don't want to stay here and leave you. I want to stay with you and marry you someday I really do" Shawn said but I shook my head.
"I know and I want to to but I really do think that you should spend some time here and live here again. I can see how much this place means to you Shawn. And after I've done a bit of travelling I promise I'll come back to you" I said holding his hand in mine.
"You promise you'd come back?" Shawn said with hope in his voice and I could almost feel my eyes sparkle at the thought that he cared for me so much.
"I'll always come back to you Shawn just as long as you'd let me back in" I said and as soon as I said it Shawn nodded his head quickly.
"So it's settled then. After your Moms wedding I'm going to move back here for a while" Shawn said and I smiled. "Where will you go travelling?"
"Oh wow. I'd love to tour America, Japan, Russia, Africa." I said feeling excited about the trips I had in mind. Shawn nodded smiling before paying our bill.

I felt butterflies fluttering around my stomach as we stood infront of the Mendes house. "Just remember that you didn't do anything wrong" Shawn advised.
"Hey guys. Come in. We're just sit watching Harry Potter do you want a tea?" Manny said quickly.
I nodded to the offer of a tea and walked in after Shawn, kicked off my shoes and hugged myself inside Shawn's hoodie.
Awkwardly me and Shawn walked into the lounge where Aaliyah and Karen sat watching the fourth Harry Potter film.
Without a word Shawn sat us both down on a sofa and he pulled me into his side. I curled my legs up to the side of me and enjoyed Shawn's arm being around me.
"There you go" Manny said handing me a cup of tea.
I looked at the cup and realised it was covered with Shawn's picture. I laughed lightly pointing to one in particular and Shawn let out a louder laugh. I saw Karen look at us as I snuggled back into Shawn's side. I laid my hand on my stomach just as Shawn said, "everyone we have an announcement"
"Oh my god your pregnant!" Aaliyah exclaimed and I looked down at the placing of my hand and quickly removed it.
"No! No no. I'm actually going to move back to Canada after Faye's moms wedding" Shawn said and a look of surprise fell onto everyone's face.
"You're coming as well right?" Aaliyah asked me but I shook my head.
"No. I'm going to go travelling for a bit before starting school. But I'll come back. He can't get rid of me that easy" I smiled and Shawn squeezed my shoulders.
"We'd be happy that you'd be coming back, but I admit it. He won't be the same without you. I see now just by you sat there together that you make each other happy and I'm sorry that I doubted that." Karen said and I nodded smiling at her.
"I'll be back hopefully"
"Well I just hope that you two find your ways back together again happily" Manny said and I nodded looking up at Shawn sighing a little.
"So do I"

 "So do I"

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now