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Faye Dawson
"I can't believe we're going home already." I told Shawn as I drove out of the hotel.
"I know but it's been good"
"It's been great" I said and Shawn smiled looking at his phone.
"Faye I have to tell you something" Shawn said and I nodded at him. "I've quit my job at the school so we could be together with no worries" Shawn told me with a smile on his face.
"Oh Shawn you didn't have to do that for me" I blushed.
"Yes I did. I love you" He said brushing my cheek with his finger.
"I love you too. Everything ok? You've not stopped looking at your phone since this morning"
"Sorry yeah its just, Im fine" Shawn sighed smiling tiredly. He looked stressed out so I decided to leave it at that. It was probably fine. I was certain he would tell me if something was wrong.

But as soon as we got back to the house I would find out everything wasn't ok. It was the complete opposite of ok.

Shawn went home and I went home to put our bags inside.
I felt happy and relaxed and was busy unpacking my stuff, until Mum shouted me from downstairs and everything went wrong. Everything.

"Faye I don't mean to panic you but there's a police car outside Shawn's house" Mum shouted and a wave of panic and unbelief ran through my system.
As quick as I could I ran downstairs and shoved on any pair of shoes there was.
"Faye I'm not sure you should go out there. It's police, its the law just leave it alone" Mum suggested but I couldn't just sit here and do nothing.
"That's my boyfriend. If something's going on and he's in trouble then I want to help him" I said before running out of the house and down to Shawn's house, where a police car stood outside and one officer stood next to the car and one was at Shawn's door.

"Shawn!" I yelled running up to his house.
"Ma'am stay back please" the officer by the car said holding my wrist.
"What's going on? He's my boyfriend" I said almost yelling.
"And we've been told to question and bring down to the station" the officer replied and I could feel myself getting even more panicked and frustrated.
But nothing could of prepared me for the emotional rollercoaster that was running through me as I saw the officer at the door put Shawn in handcuffs.
"Faye. Faye I need you to go home ok?" Shawn said getting into the police car.
"Which station are you going to?" I asked the officer who gave me a sad smile.
"In the next town over" he said and I nodded running back to my own house, tears starting to form in my eyes.
"What's happening?" Mum asked panicking herself.
"I'm driving to the police station to find out what's going on" I said picking up my keys and running out again, going straight into my car.

The whole journey was excruciating. I had no idea what's going on. No idea what so ever. Has he lied? Stolen? Killed? I shook my head to all the worst case scenarios popping into my head, knowing that they can't be true. Shawn would never do anything wrong it has to be a mistake. I chewed on my nails as I drove and my legs got jittery as I tried to use the pedals as best I could.
After twenty minutes of driving I pulled up to the police station car park and just sat. What would I say? What could I do?
Despite my head telling me to stay in the car I got out and walked as confidently as I could into the station and to the front desk.
"Erm hi. I'm looking for Shawn Mendes he was taken in like a few minutes ago?" I asked with shaking hands.
"I'm not allowed,"
"I'm presuming you're the Miss Dawson Mr Mendes is on about" a man in a suit said holding my elbow. I nodded and he led me by the elbow into an office.
"What's happening to him? He's done nothing wrong he's been with me all weekend in Paris" I explained hurriedly.
The dark haired man smiled and tapped his hand on the table.
"My names officer O'Brien now, Miss Dawson we understand that this must be very confusing for you. Evidently Mr Mendes hasn't told you"
"Told me what?" I said and he shook his head.
"It's not my place to tell you. But what I can tell you is that it might get quite intense quite quickly, but I'm the officer assigned to Mr Mendes' case so I'll help you through it all" He smiled and I nodded.

"Can I see him?" I asked after Mr O'Brien came back with a coffee for me.
"I'll have it arranged. Just wait here and I'll come back" He nodded and I smiled.
I sat in the cold chair for around ten minutes before he came back telling me that I could see Shawn.
Nervously I walked beside him until we came to a room that said interrogation above it. I could almost cry as I saw Shawn's wrists chained to the table, his eyes were dull, and he had no expression on his face. He was dressed in the same clothes we had travelled back in.
"I'll give you two time to talk" Mr O'Brien smiled and I walked into the room as he shut the door behind me.

"Faye" Shawn croaked but I shook my head, wrapped my cardigan around me and sat down.
"You have some big fucking explaining to do" I said to Shawn having to cough back my tears as I spoke.
"I know I know. Faye I couldn't help myself" Shawn cried and I sat trying to keep a cold expression on my face.
"What did you do?"
"Back when I was in America, when I was in university, I met a professor who helped me through everything. He was a professor of English and was working on something great. A new theory of analysis. I was struggling for money and with my work in general. I asked him for help and he showed me his new theory. I stole it Faye. I stole his theory and sold it as my own. I got so much money from it. So much. And I kept it all without telling him what I had done. I fled America before he could tell the police" Shawn explained and I tried my hardest to keep calm.
"We've had you on our radar after American police told us you were here. And here you are." Mr O'Brien said shaking his head walking into the mostly metal room.
"How could you do that to him Shawn? Why would you?" I said.
"I was desperate Faye I needed money and I knew this theory would get me more than enough"
"You're a fraud" I said shaking my head.
"Please Faye. They're going to put me on trial. I could be going to prison this is serious shit!" Shawn said raising his voice.
"I know it's serious shit!!" I yelled letting the tears fall and my breathing became heavy. Neither of us dared to speak.

"Ok. That's all the time I can give you. Faye would you follow me please?" Mr O'Brien said and I nodded. I stood up and saw the fear in Shawn's tearful eyes and quickly gave him a kiss on the head.
"We'll do something" I whispered not being able to be mad at him even though technically he had committed a crime.
I walked back to Mr O'Briens office and we sat down.
"What can we do? Can't we contact the man who's work he stole and see what his verdict is? Maybe he doesn't care anymore?" I said pacing around the room.
"I'm already on it. We're trying to find the guy and get him to talk. But you have to understand Miss Dawson, he's committed a crime no matter how small it may seem" The officer said and I nodded my head.

Turns out I have a lot more to learn about Shawn than I once thought.

Turns out I have a lot more to learn about Shawn than I once thought

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now