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Shawn Mendes
The only thing I could think of when I woke up that morning was the dream I had. Then again I'm not sure it was a dream. Now that I thought about it I don't think it was a dream. But it sounded too good to be true.
She said she loves me. I swear that's what she said as I drifted off to sleep. She loves me. And now he's said it I needed to find the right opportunity to tell her I loved her as well. Dinner. I could tell her over dinner tonight. Or maybe after dinner we could walk round the Eiffel Tower and I'll tell her then. Or would she think that's too soppy.
I don't think I'd ever been in love. Not like this. It felt right to be with her. And now that I had quit my job at the school, we could be together with no issue. I needed to tell her about that.

Slowly, trying not to wake Faye, I slid out of bed and out onto the balcony. I looked over at the city that was waking up and smiled knowing I get to share this with the girl I was in love with.
Silently two arms wrapped round my bare torso. I felt her head lean against my back and I took on of her arms opening it so I could turn around and hug her properly.
"Morning" She sighed against my chest and I smiled.
"I didn't expect you to be up for a while" I told her.
"Well I felt that you weren't in bed" she said and I put my chin down onto her head.
"I'm sorry, do you want me to come back to bed" I asked but she replied with a shake of her head no.
"No we're up now might as well get out and see the city whilst we can" She said and I nodded.

After we had changed and had some breakfast down in the hotel we wandered out to explore some of Paris.
We went into museums, walked round parks, visited some monuments and I had never seen a girl so happy. She bounded round the place holding onto my hand. I didn't know you could fall for someone so quickly and neither you or they even had to try. It just happened.
Although walking around with her was beautiful all I could think about was tonight's dinner.
I actually felt a bit nervous about it. I just didn't want anything to go wrong or anything to be interrupted.
"You seem to be deep in thought. What's going on up there?" She asked squeezing on my hand as we sat down for lunch.
"Sorry I was just thinking about our dinner tonight and how I don't want anything to go wrong" I told her and Faye gave me a soft smile almost as a silent reassurance.
"I'm sure everything will be fine Shawn. It's just dinner it's not like your proposing" she laughed and I nodded.

I decided on wearing a black suit for the evening. Faye had put out a white dress on the bed. We both sat in the bathroom and I watched Faye as she did her makeup.
"Why are you watching me so closely I feel like I'm being judged for how well I put makeup on" She laughed rubbing a red colour along her eyelid.
"I just like to see how you do it" I shrugged.
"I'm not a makeup wiz Shawn I just do it because why not" she shrugged.
"You know I think you look beautiful with or without. Whatever makes you comfortable" I said to her and she smiled obviously happy with what I had said.
I had to admit though it was hard to remain focused on her doing her makeup when she was stood only in her pink lace pants and white bra.
"Hm yeah" I said drawing my eyes away from her body to look at her face.
"I'm not stupid Shawn I can see you looking at my arse" Faye laughed and I knew a red tint appeared on my cheeks. "But sorry to disappoint, I'm done now and am going to put some clothes on"
Before she could leave the bathroom I rose quickly and wrapped and arm around her. A small but audible gasp left her lips as I trailed my hand across her bare stomach. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before she walked away with a wink to go and put her white knee length lace dress on.
"You look beautiful" I said as she tied up her shoes.
"Aw thank you Shawn. You look very lovely as well. All black suits you...get it suit, suits?" She jokes and I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile.
"You're an idiot" I laughed and opened the door for her to walk though.

 "You're an idiot" I laughed and opened the door for her to walk though

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The restaurant was even more beautiful than I had seen on pictures. We were lucky as we got a seat by one of the huge windows overlooking the city, which made this night even better.
We sat eating dinner in candlelight, barely saying anything because of how beautiful the food was.
"Thank you so much for this Shawn it's absolutely amazing" Faye said finishing the last of her main course.
"Id do anything for you just to see that smile everyday" I said making her blush. She smiled, as did I, and all of a sudden a wave of guilt washed over me. She hardly knew anything about me. Where I came from, what I did, how I got here. But I didn't want her to know too much. I tried to forget most of it. I knew I would never forget what happened, what i did.  No matter how hard I tried.

"So. I think we need to discuss a very important matter Miss Dawson" I said using my teacher voice.
"You calling me that just reminds me of when you were my teacher and my teacher only" Faye laughed and I smiled.
"We've certainly come a long way" I said holding onto her hand over the table. "No but I really do have something to tell you"
"Shawn your worrying me"
"No no. It's nothing bad, unless you take it bad. I heard you last night Faye. When you said you love me" I confessed and she hid her face in her hands as it turned bright red.
"I'm sorry if it's too sudden I just. I feel that much for you Shawn. I don't want to loose you and I would do almost anything for you" She smiled and I nodded.
"I'm not saying it's too sudden. At all. In fact, I just wanted to tell you that I love you too" I said and her eyes shone.
"Shawn" she said standing up and walking round the table to me. I rose quickly and took her into my arms, I kissed her with as much passion as I could before she walked back and sat down.

"I can't think of a way that this night could get any better" Faye grinned as we walked back to the hotel, our hands swinging.
"Well I could think of something" I said taking her into my arms.
"Let me guess what that could be" she grinned up at me before kissing my lips quickly.
"Well can you blame me? You do look absolutely beautiful" I flattered her.
Before we went back into the hotel we took some more pictures and Faye sent them to her mother.
We left the elevator once we got to our floor and I scooped her into my arms and carried her to our room. Faye scrambled out of my arms as I kicked the door shut with my foot and locked it.
When I turned round she stood in the middle of the room struggling to unzip her dress. I took that as my opportunity and kicked off my shoes. I walked over and unzipped the dress, sliding it gently off her shoulders, placing a kiss on her back as the dress fell.
Faye spun with a smile on her face and went straight to undoing my buttons. I felt my heart rate increase as my shirt slid off and Faye's lips went to kissing across my chest.
"This different for us" I said once again picking her up and placing her on the bed. Gently I hovered over her but hearing her fast breathing made me cautious.
"Shawn" Faye whispered as she held the back of my neck.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to" I whispered searching her eyes.
"Do you have one?" She asked and I knew what she was referring to.
I nodded my head in the direction of the beside drawer and she nodded.
"Faye we don't have to" I said again but she shook her head.
"I want this. I want you Shawn"

My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn Mendesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن