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Faye Dawson
Still whilst dripping wet from being in the pool Shawn led me to his bedroom. It was huge to say the least. But it was like my dream room. It was spacious with plain white walls and a black bed. There was a black desk and the windows were huge on one side of the room. He had a window seat and little plants covering the room. There were two tall lamps stood in two corners and a large black wardrobe in between  them. It was perfect. I pushed open a door and saw that attached to his room there was a bathroom. A big one. With the same colours as his room. All of this was just perfect.
"This is perfect Shawn" I marvelled and he smiled.
"I did it all myself so I'm glad you approve" he said and I nodded harshly. I could picture myself staying here. I sighed and closed my eyes.
"Do you want a shower or anything?" Shawn asked and I nodded shyly.
"Do you have any clothes I could change into?" I asked and Shawn nodded. He walked over to the large wardrobe and pulled out a pair of shorts and a tshirt.

We went into the bathroom and Shawn showed me how to use the shower. It was the most complicated thing I had ever come to witness. Why does a shower have to be so complicated. "Do you have to change out of this?" Shawn said cheekily grabbing my waist from behind and pulling me backwards into his body. I looked at us in this embrace in the mirror and it was strange. I couldn't lie, we looked good together. We looked like a couple who were just so comfortable being with each other. It scared me a little at how quickly we had come to be like that.
"Yes I do." I laughed and Shawn groaned lightly.
"Fine. You'll look good in anything" he said and I giggled with a blush. Shawn stood there and I crossed my arms.
"You can go now" I laughed and again he groaned. He stood in the doorway and kept putting his head in and out as I tried to get out of my suit.
"Need help?"
"Get out!" I laughed loudly and he left and shut the door. I took off my swimsuit and finally had a shower and washed off all the chlorine chemicals and the pool smell. I washed my hair and brushed it before getting out, drying myself with a towel and changing into the clothes.
"Shawn!" I yelled and he came running into the room. "The shorts don't fit" I laughed having to hold them up. He laughed and chucked me a pair of underwear.
I changed and walked out of the room. Shawn was putting on tracksuit bottoms and a tshirt as I walked in.
"Well don't you look adorable" Shawn laughed and I held out my arms. He gave me a hug before we both sat on the bed and turned on the tv that slid up out of the bottom of Shawn's bed. He put on a Harry Potter film and we sat apart watching it.
'What time are you home?" I sent to my mother and waited for a response.
'About one in the afternoon tomorrow. Take care darling x' she replied and I smiled putting my phone on the small bedside table.

"Everything ok?" Shawn asked and I nodded.
"Mums home at one tomorrow" I told him and he nodded. He looked at me and I turned to look at him.
"Come here" he said holding out his arms. I moved over to him. He patted his lap and I sat on his thighs. He interlaced our fingers and moved my chin so I was looking into his eyes.
"Are you happy?" He asked and I smiled.
"Yes Shawn of course I am. Are you?" I asked back and I saw a blush appear and he looked away biting his lip.
"Not really, not yet" he said and it shocked me. I thought he was happy.
"Oh"  I said and crawled off his legs and sat cross legged still facing him. I tucked my hair behind my ear and just sat. There was silence from both of us until I broke the silence. "We don't have to do this anymore Shawn if you don't want I can always just ring Tom and ask to stay over it won't be a problem" I said lying down back on the bed and his head quickly whipped round to me. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and was about to text Thomas. Shawn crawled over and got on top of me snatching my phone from my hand throwing it away.

"Why the hell wouldn't I want to do this with you anymore?" Shawn said and I searched his eyes.
"Because you're not happy. There's no point in risking your job and getting a bad reputation if you're not happy." I said to him and he rolled his eyes.
"I don't want to end this with you. I want the complete opposite" Shawn said mysteriously and I was going to ask him exactly what he meant by that. But he cut off my thoughts by pressing his lips to mine whilst hovering above me.
I moved my lips with his and tangled my fingers in his hair. His hand trailed down my body and pressed down on one of my hips. I smiled against his mouth as his thumb started to draw patterns on the now exposed skin of my hip. I pulled lightly on the ends of his hair and it was his turn to smile. We pulled away from each other and he sat up at the side of me. I turned to face him and sat up when I saw he saw in thought.
"What's going on up there?" I asked and he looked at me smiling.
"How would you feel about this becoming a regular thing?" He said and I was lost for words.
"I would love it. Of course I would." I smiled and he nodded. "Why?"
"Oh you know..." he said pausing and shrugging his broad shoulders. "Just for future reference" he said and I nodded.

I was certain he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend. I wanted him to ask me. I really did. But it wasn't meant to be. I wondered what was holding him back. Maybe he was starting to realise we shouldn't be together.
"Do you want anything? A drink or something?" Shawn asked and I nodded. He smiled and got up going downstairs.
I sat quietly on my own watching the movie but my phone ringing shocked me.
"Hey Dawson"
"Oh hey Tom. You ok?" I asked as Shawn walked back in.
"Yeah I just-it's embarrassing really- but I just missed you. " he said and I smiled. "Have you thought anymore about the whole dating thing?" He laughed nervously down the phone and I put my forehead in my hand.
"I just don't want it to ruin things Tom. And I don't want to build something up when you're leaving in nine or eight months" I told him honestly and looked over at Shawn who looked confused.
"At least go on a date with me. Just one. As if we're really boyfriend and girlfriend. If it doesn't work then we leave it" he said and I sighed.
"Ok yeah let's do that." I smiled and I knew it would of made Tom smile.
"Ok what about tomorrow night? We can go to that little Italian we both love?" He offered and I looked at Shawn again. His eyes looked over me and I felt nervous for some reason.
"Yep ok. I'll see you tomorrow at What seven?"
"Yep sounds perfect. I'll pick you up. See you tomorrow Dawson."
"See you"
"Love you Dawson" he said and I sighed with a smiled.
"Love you Tommy" I said and hung up the phone.

"What's going on?" Shawn said as I put my phone down.
"Thomas asked me to go on a date with him tomorrow night and I told him I'd go. But we agreed if it doesn't feel right then we leave it there" I told him and he looked down towards the bed sheets.
We both lay down in bed under the covers as the movie continued to play. I had my arm and leg across Shawn and he held me to him. I felt his hand stroke my hair and I placed a kiss to his jawline.
"What's wrong? You look down?" I said and he sighed.
"I don't understand it. But I have the feeling that I don't want you to go with him tomorrow" he confessed.
"Why?" I said but all he did was shrug. "Oh. Well let's just get some sleep then"
Once again disappointment filled me up and I closed my eyes, falling asleep to the thought of why Shawn wouldn't want to make thins official.

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now