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Shawn Mendes
I patted my pocket to check I had everything with me and kept one shaking hand on the wheel.
"Did you have a good party. I never actually asked" I said trying to distract my nerves.
"It was good thank you. I just spent most of the night with Thomas dancing" she shrugged and I smiled.
"No attractive high school boys?" I asked playing around.
"None. Well none compared to you" She smiled and I smiled over at her. We spent most of the drive in silence.
"Shawn we seem to have been in the car a while" She said and I nodded looking at road signs.
"I know but I couldn't take you to somewhere in town just in case we walk into someone" I said hating the fact that we had to hide this relationship just because of my job.
"I understand" Faye sighed.

"Thank you" we both said to the waiter who sat us down at a small, private booth at the back of the small restaurant.
"This is beautiful Shawn" Faye smiled.
"It's not fancy but it's still lovely" I said just to be glad I was here with her.
"How would you feel if I quit at the school?" I asked as she sipped on water.
"Why would you do that?" She asked coughing a little.
"I want to be with you without any worry. If I quit then there's no more worrying for us" I explained and it was as if I could almost see the gears turning as she thought.
"I don't want you to do that just for me Shawn especially if you like it there" she said putting her dainty hand on mine.
"I don't like it that much and I would do it for you. It's not a final thought I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about it" I shrugged and she nodded.
I would do anything just to be with her. I care for her so much and just want to be with her with no caution or worry that we're going to be seen together. Plus what's the point of being there if I'm not going to see her everyday, admiring that little concentration face she has.
"I swear you have the same thing wherever we go" I laughed as the pizza was put infront of her. She rolled her eyes and smiled.
"I know what I like" she said and we both started eating.

"So I never actually got to give you your birthday present because I was being a dick" I coughed and I could feel a lump of nerves gather inside me. Our desert dishes had been taken away and I pushed the envelope towards her shakily across the table.
"Aw Shawn" she said, her eyes sparkling under the light.
I carefully watched her take the envelope in her hands and use her nail to rip it open. She took out the several pieces of paper and I had to hold my hands together to stop them shaking. With a smile she unfolded the paper and I saw a frown form as she scanned over the words I had read over and over.
Her bottom lip fell open and I knew what she had read.
"Oh my god. Shawn!" She said turning the piece of paper to me. I smiled and nodded my head.
"I know what it says Faye, I did get it for you, us. myself." I said but was still nervous as she hadn't actually said what she thought. "Well what do you say?"
"You know, normally a boyfriend would get his girlfriend jewellery or perfume, not a trip to Paris!" She said her voice raising at the end.
"Well it seemed like a good idea and it's not what you usually get. So? Yes or no?" I smiled.
She read over the words again before standing up and pulling her dress down.
Out of fear I stood up with her and she quickly crashed her body onto mine and pushed her lips onto mine. I held her tightly and smiled.
"Of course I'll come with you!" She beamed and I lifted her off the floor briefly.

After we paid the bill I took her hand and walked her out of the small restaurant and back to my car. I helped her in before running round and starting the engine.
"Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" She asked curling up on the car seat, turning to face me.
"You might of finished school but I still teach there" I laughed on hearing her groan.
"Then I'll come and visit you" she shrugged and I pushed my hair back, trying to not think about what would happen if she did visit.
"You'll have to think of a reason to be in school" I told her.
"I'll say your helping me with my work experience" She said and I nodded. I pushed the button to call Alan.
"You ok Shawn?" He said and I laughed at the older mans tired voice.
"Yes I was just wondering if Faye Dawson could do her work experience with me for tomorrow?" I asked hoping he would let her.
"Oh that's brilliant yep of course. Well goodnight Shawn" Alan yawned and I smiled hanging up the phone.
"Well that was easy" we both shrugged. I smiled and she put a small hand on my thigh as I drove. I couldn't help but tighten my hands around the wheel and cough gently at her touch.
"Your such a horny teenage boy" she laughed taking back her hand.
"Shut up" I groaned leading her to cry with laughter.
I loved that laugh. I wanted to have that laugh in my life for as long as I could.

"So I'll come and pick you up in the morning" I said getting out of the car and walking Faye to her door.
"I will see you in the morning" She smiled and I tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Very cliche" she said at my action and I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry for trying to be romantic" I said and she pulled my collar down so my lips met hers.
"I never said I didn't like it" Faye pouted. "I can't believe you bought me a trip to Paris" she gushed.
"Well I'm coming too" I reminded her holding her waist, keeping her body pressed to mine.

I smiled as she opened the door and stepped inside.
"Why don't you come in for a bit?" Faye asked.
"I'm not sure Faye maybe I should just leave you and Thomas after all you've only got a week with him" I said and Faye shrugged.
"Just stay for an hour or two" she said and I couldn't say no to her.
I stepped inside and removed my coat and shoes at her door.
We went up the stairs and Faye knocked on the room next door.
"He's staying for a little bit" she said "Oh shut up Thomas" Faye laughed closing the door. "Whenever hes here he has that room unless we share" she explained and I nodded walking into her room. It hadn't changed since the last time I was in it.

Before I could say anything Faye wrapped her arms round my neck and kissed me hard. I kissed her back immediately, pushing her back to the door, hooking her leg onto my hip.
"Sudden" I panted pulling away.
"Best way" she said bluntly before i pushed my lips back to hers, enjoying the feeling of her cold hands undoing my shirt. After all the buttons were undone I shrugged the shirt off and pulled the bottom of her dress up so it was round her hips.
I guided her onto the bed as we pulled away from each other's lips, I hovered above her and she smiled pulling her dress over her head.
I could help but run a hand over her body and I noticed her breathing increase.
"Shawn" she breathed and I smiled meeting her eyes.
"Are you ok with this?" I asked making sure I wasnt pushing my limit.
"Of course, are you?" She asked and I nodded.
She fiddled with my belt with visibility shaking hands.
"Faye you're shaking" I said and she nodded, "we don't have to go further" I whispered kissing her neck.
"I'm sorry Shawn I just, Ive only done it before with Thomas and it was a while ago. Im just"
"Hey you don't have to explain. I don't want to rush you. Whenever it happens it happens" I said and placed small kisses over her neck and her arms went round my neck.

We stayed in an embrace for around half an hour, her body ontop of mine as I wrapped my arms round her and stroked her hair.
"I should probably go" I whispered and felt Faye nod against my chest.
We both got up and dressed and walked out of her room. I walked out as she got changed and my arm was grabbed. I turned and faced Thomas.
"I'm happy for you and all but you break her heart and I'll kill you" he said completely seriously.
"Im going to try my complete best to not hurt her." I said and he nodded.
"If I see one tear fall from her eye because of you I'm kicking your ass" he warned and I smiled.
"I know." I said and he walked back to his room and shut the door.
"What was that about?" Faye asked walking out of her room in her comfy short shorts and a hoodie.
"Just saying how if I hurt you he'll end me" I shrugged and she smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said kissing her gently as I left her doorway.
I walked home just thinking about how fast I had fallen in love with Faye.

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now