The Baby Blues - Epilogue

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(Nine Months Later)

It's surreal to think that one parliament of paper could change your life forever, but that's what happened as I stood on the graduation stage, looking out at everyone; friends, family, the other graduating classmen and their families. How fast this year went by.

Hayden celebrated her first birthday, I turned eighteen, Hayden started running around and talking (though most was still gibberish there were a lot of real words in her sentences). Jamie and I forged a friendship stronger than ever before, only now it wasn't just Jamie and me; Libby had wormed her way into our duo making it a trio and now I couldn't even remember times when it wasn't just the three of us, lounging on the couch, eating junk food and watching corny shows.

Clay and her still hadn't talked, but I had a little surprise for them later today; and then there was the whole David thing. He had been good, I'll give him that, but he wouldn't be David if he hadn't tried to change my mind. I'm proud to say that I stood strong against him and that my decision wasn't compromised.

David was a huge part of Hayden's life, what could I say? My baby was a daddy's girl, but that didn't make me jealous because I loved watching the two of them together.

As for Kelly, well I'm sure I hadn't heard the last of her but I think David made it pretty clear that he had no interest in her. Libby knew that Kelly was the one to give out the magazines, but she had matured a lot in the last nine months and I was proud of her for not charging into the school and beating her to a pulp.

And then there was mom and Scott, who were sitting with the audience right now, arms around each other with Hayden between them, smiling like two kids on Christmas. What was there even to say about them? They were a new couple in love and that was that. Hayden even caught on to calling Scott 'mapaw' which I think is her own version of grandpa. Lucky him.

The principal said a few final words and then the class of 2011 [[I think that's right if not correct me]] threw their caps in the air and it was official, I had graduated.

I was going to start that program in two weeks, it would be just like taking college classes only music instead of regular curriculum. But there was a more important matter to attend to before I got to serious and it had five letters: PARTY! Libby, mom, and I had been setting up the house the entire day before graduation to hold a huge party for everyone, almost the whole school sent an RSVP. Scott drove Hayden, mom, and me home so we could get ready for our guests. Libby and David were right behind us and Jamie and his family was expected any second. The four mini horses were in the front yard grazing, Adrian was laying near them, making sure they stayed together. He barked once when he saw the cars pulling into the driveway.

Delia was inside, running back in forth with drinks and food, trying to make everything perfect, Kelsie was helping her. I put Hayden down and let her run off to play with her toys while I went to change into my dress for the party, Libby came upstairs with me. Twenty minutes later the doorbell started ringing, I grabbed Libby's hand and ran downstairs with her. The first wave of people was Jamie, his sisters, and his mom as well as the football team, some of the cheerleaders, their family members, and Clay and his family. When him and Libby saw each other they both froze, I nudged Libby with my shoulder. "Surprise." She turned and glared at me.

"What?" I asked. "He's in my graduating class, you'd have to only assume that he would be here." She sighed and then looked back over at him, he was still looking at her. "Well," I urged. "Don't be a snob, go talk to him" She looked at me desperately. "You look hot, now go show him what he's been missing out on." Libby pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear, "If this doesn't work out, I'm going to beat you up." I chuckled and watched her walk away from me and towards him.

And so the night went on.

Just like promised, in the next hour my house was packed to the max. Adrian, Hayden, and Dora made their rounds, going to each person and begging for food. I laughed as Hayden mimicked the animals, putting her hand up when Adrian or Dora put their paw up, or cocking her head to the side when they did that. From the reaction of the party goers and the many, many treats they were all getting, I could see that everyone else found it amusing too.

I was so focused on my daughter, laughing at her new found trick, that I didn't hear him come up behind me. "Oh great, our daughter thinks she's a dog." "Or a cat." I added, turning to face David, he smiled at me. "She thinks she's an animal." He reasoned. "She certainly does." We both looked back out at her; right now she was trying to scratch her head with her foot like Adrian was doing and having a difficult time with it. "Can I talk to you?" He asked, motioning to the front porch. I looked around the room for Delia and when I saw her I pointed at Hayden, she nodded her head and then I turned to face David again. "Sure, lets talk."

He grabbed my hand and led me though the people until we were outside, the door separating us from the rest of the party.

"Okay, so I'm not going to beat around the bush. I know you said you wanted to follow your own path, and I'll admit, I was surprised when you stuck to it, but also totally proud of you because you didn't cave. You made up your mind and you stuck to it, and now look at you. Our daughter is happy and healthy and you're off to a college summer music program, something you've dreamed of; all of your dreams are within your reach. And," He added on a side note. "You've managed to get my sister and Clay back together, which I thought was never going to happen."

I smiled at the memory of them walking through the party together, hand in hand. They deserved to be together, he was good for her and she would keep him on his toes. When I pulled out of the memory I could see that David looked sad again. "What is it?" I asked him, grabbing his hand again. "I just can't help but notice that you've achieved everything you wanted to from the beginning and you didn't need me to do it, and it worries me, because now I see that you might not need me after all."

I looked at him, almost as if seeing him for the first time. "Cheyenne, you know I love you and I just..." I cut him off by jumping into his arms and pressing my lips against his. An instant fire spread throughout my entire body and I felt my knees get weak underneath me, luckily, David was there to catch me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up; neither of us pulled back from the kiss for a couple of minutes. "I love you too," I told him. "And I don't know what that means for either of us, but I'm willing to test that out."

David pushed me back and looked me right in the eye. "Are you sure?" I bit my lip and nodded. "I'm sure." We walked back in the party, hands clasped tightly together. I caught Jamie's eye, he was with some of the guys from his class year, family members of the people from mine; he smiled when he saw David's hand in mine and I blew him a kiss. We pushed through the people until we were back in the living room and David scooped Hayden up into his free arm as she was in the process of barking at Dora.

He pulled me into him and I wrapped my arms around the both of them. This was how it was suppose to me; Hayden, David and I, together and happy. I looked around until I saw my mom and Scott, sitting together on the couch, talking about one of the many things they talk about, and then I looked again until I saw Libby and Clay, dancing to the beat of the music, and Jamie, laughing with some old friends.

My life may not have been perfect, hell I had made many mistakes, some that turned out for the better and others that I had to learn a tough lesson on, but this was my life now and I would take this over perfect any day.


Okay and that's it :)

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I finished a story!!!! YAY!

The Baby (bump) Blues [FINISHED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin